2 answers
What dose a chief sustainablity officer do?
#Chief sustainability officer.
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2 answers
Melisa’s Answer
Hi Omar,
Thank you for your thoughtful question. The role can take a variety of forms and responsibilities, depending on the company. However, a great example is the role of Charlene Lake, senior vice president, Corporate Social Responsibility & Chief Sustainability Officer for AT&T.
In her role at AT&T, Ms. Lake "drives corporate responsibility strategy addressing key environmental, economic and social challenges. She also has oversight to AT&T’s stakeholder impact measures, reputation and signature initiatives that connect social needs with business objectives."
As Dawn mentioned in her answer, the CSR professionals can help to champion, monitor, promote, lead and even create programs and strategies around sustainability.
Best wishes to you in your future educational and career goals.
Check out this link https://about.att.com/story/2019/charlene_lake_chair_of_att_foundation.html
Here are some TED Talks on CSR https://www.teamgo.co/blog/5-ted-talks-on-corporate-social-responsibility/
Consider finding a mentor or someone in this career you can ask to meet with and set-up an informational interview to learn more.
Keep asking great questions!
Thank you for your thoughtful question. The role can take a variety of forms and responsibilities, depending on the company. However, a great example is the role of Charlene Lake, senior vice president, Corporate Social Responsibility & Chief Sustainability Officer for AT&T.
In her role at AT&T, Ms. Lake "drives corporate responsibility strategy addressing key environmental, economic and social challenges. She also has oversight to AT&T’s stakeholder impact measures, reputation and signature initiatives that connect social needs with business objectives."
As Dawn mentioned in her answer, the CSR professionals can help to champion, monitor, promote, lead and even create programs and strategies around sustainability.
Best wishes to you in your future educational and career goals.
Melisa recommends the following next steps:
Dawn’s Answer
Hi Omar,
As companies have engaged in more efforts around sustainability, environmental and otherwise, the "chief sustainability officer" has been created to champion and monitor these efforts.
- Dawn
As companies have engaged in more efforts around sustainability, environmental and otherwise, the "chief sustainability officer" has been created to champion and monitor these efforts.
- Dawn