I am in the 11th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career , what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests ?
At school , I am most interested in helping others and socializing , while my hobbies include participating in new activities , and learning new aspects in life . A topic that I am passionate about is learning about others . What are some career options that best align with these interests and what are some helpful next steps I can do in the near future? #career #career-counseling #career-choice
10 answers
Beth’s Answer
Base on your interests, I recommend you look into recruiting. In my 34-year career as a Recruiter, I have interviewed thousands of people. Each person has had something to offer that is interesting and unique to them. I have employed some of these people. I have become friends with some of these people. I have offered advice to some of these people. Every day is different and never boring. For me, time flies when I am interviewing people to find out what they want to do in their career and figuring out if my company can offer them something in alignment with their goals.
Beth recommends the following next steps:
Navya’s Answer
Hi Julissa,
Apart from entering counselling field (any kind including career counselling, life counselling, relationship counselling) as suggested, if you plan to enter the IT corporate world you can look into the HR departments of any company. They will involve managing and organising events for the company and you get to interact with different type of employees.
Also, you can consider a line of work that mainly focuses on event management (conferences, ceremonies, weddings, formal parties, concerts, or conventions). This gives you an opportunity to interact and observe with people from different walks of life.
Good luck!
Tyzhanae’s Answer
Alexandra’s Answer
. What type of activities do you like most and what type of content do you like to learn?
Lauren’s Answer
Karen’s Answer
Wonderful that you are thinking about your future and fantastic that you want to help others. I'd suggest begin volunteering at various places to get exposure to many different options. For example, you could serve meals to the homeless, offer to read at a school for minorities, assist immigrants at an adult basic education program or help at a nonprofit event. There are endless possibilities if you search for them.
You may then decide on a career in the nonprofit world, social work or even a business setting allows you to help others. The more variety of volunteer experiences you have, the better your resume will appear and perhaps open up some new areas you may not have considered.
With every good wish!
Wesley’s Answer
I think it is wonderful that you have an interest in helping others. Some things that I would suggest you looking into are careers in counseling, psychology, human resources or possibly social work. Spend some time speaking with or shadowing folks who work in these areas to gain an understanding of how these careers align with personal and professional goals.
Best of luck.
Simeon’s Answer
Howard’s Answer
1. Education required-most careers in education, psychology, and social work require a four year degree from college.
2. Earning potential-What are your annual earning expectations?
3. Target Age group-What age group do you see yourself being most comfortable working with on a daily basis?
Pondering these questions will help you to begin to look at specific careers as you might want to pursue.