3 answers
Sri Athithya Kruth’s Answer
Hey there,
My answer is a resounding yes.
It does, and in myriad ways. From the time I get up, to when I go to bed, many of my decisions are motivated by my work.
I work as a Network Engineer and we do it in shifts, so I have to plan what my activities are in advance so I can work my shift time.
For example, I might plan to get a workout (happens sometimes) before I go to work, which means I'd have to wake up extra early. I might have to schedule a dinner appointment, which I can only do after my shift is over.
Anyway, my work directly influences my decisions too.
I schedule my vacations based on how tired I am, which again, depends on my work.
Anyway, hope this helps in some way!
Lucie’s Answer
Hi Nessa!
Interesting question!
My work does affect my personal life, yes.
I'm very loyal person driven by result so yes. I can sacrifice my personal time for it too. But this is good experience and I'm learning from it. It gives me opportunity to think more about time management and developing myself more.
But this is my own decision. Nobody should force us on this. There definitely needs to be balance between your personal life and career.
Please do not forget to think about what you wanna achieve by this "extra work" and then put yourself boundaries.
Also discuss this with your bf and family. You need to have support from them. How much you are able to devote the personal life and what you wanna gain from it.
When I started a new job I stopped exercising and I limited my own activities. Please do not do this mistake. Keep your hobbies no matter what! ;) It gives you relaxation you need to get off stress. We are only humans...
Good luck!
Prince’s Answer
Balancing the work and personal life is important.
Work does not affect my personal lifestyle as I try to balance both. Whenever I am at my workplace and during work hour, I try to give 100% dedication to my work and after that full dedication to my personal life. I don't try to mix both.
Having a good personal lifestyle will make you more enthusiastic and help to be more productive in work. I utelise my vacations properly to have good personal life.