Did you get your MBA or did startups and learn from experiences?
I am a senior student at Brennan High school. I’m looking to get my MBA so that I can learn more about business. I want to own and run my own businesses. I want to be my own boss and have freedom. #business #entrepreneur #finance #business-management
4 answers
Ignacio’s Answer
Hi David,
Thank you for your question. MBAs are very recognized programmes in Business and highly recommended for professionals who have some prior professional experience. A good approach to an MBA programme would be start working for a company or running your our business before applying to this program. Some professional experience will help you a lot before starting this academic experience.
Hope that it helps,
Sandesh’s Answer
Stephan’s Answer
Hey David, very good plan, but I would recommend to finish your MBA study first, because you might need it later later life. And yes, I went to Uni and found it so boring, because I had a record shop, two decent bands running , a little removal / truck company and a recording studio with 20. The freedom you are looking for is great and learning by doing works for me still. But keep in mind you have the whole bunch of responsibility on your shoulders , which is good , but hard work. In my case it jeopardized my family live and I had to start from scratch with 31 as a single dad...
Good luck and all the Best
Katerina’s Answer
I did not get an MBA but did get a BS and a lot of life experience.
I would recommend to finish high school, get into a university and work on your Bachelor's. While you do that, get a couple internships under your belt at companies that have good intern programs so you can ask a lot of people questions and build a network. After all that (and even a couple years of work), then decide on your MBA.
At this point in your life, you do not have to decide between the two (experience vs schooling). You can work on both to set yourself up for maximum success. Running your own business is amazing but there are SO many parts to it that are brutal to learn from experience alone. A little book learning from a degree and then experience in larger companies will allow you to learn from very intelligent and experienced people so that by the time you're ready to open your business, you will already know how to dodge a few of the pitfalls.
Wish you all the best!