9 answers
D’s Answer
Also, each challenge has its own variance of difficulty, however, meeting any challenge is less daunting if you know how to use the resources available to you at any given time. Therefore, I would say as long as you focus on what you CAN DO, rather than on the challenge itself, it is not as hard as it might seem. Break it down into smaller parts of the whole.
Glendon’s Answer
Business management is difficult but also very rewarding. It is very rewarding to lead a team, to help them achieve their goals and to help them develop in their career.
If possible, I would suggest shadowing someone in a management role so that you can understand their day to day role and understand their experience and their challenges.
Mynuddin’s Answer
I really felt its very hard in the beginning and confused , but when you start getting understating step by step about how Business Administration works and what are hierarchy's within it and other things ,you will start enjoying a lot ..especially about my experience now I am doing MBA from ISBR and completed 1st Semester , going to take exams for 2nd semester end of this year . Work and Study are co related when you do it at same time and you will Enjoy it .
Betty’s Answer
If you follow the business news, you might be able to catch a glimpse of how companies are organized. The Harvard Business Review case studies and articles (https://hbr.org) are helpful in educating yourself on business management principles. It does require some critical thinking, good communication, business analysis and other areas that are specialties within business management in and of themselves.
I recommend that you explore this interest with some online classes, and Salesforce (my employer) offers free trails (learning paths). https://trailhead.salesforce.com/home?utm_source=google_sem&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=1587382466&utm_content=102163339176&utm_keyword=%2Btrail%20%2Bsalesforce&sfdc_modal=trailhead-welcome&gclid=Cj0KCQiArvX_BRCyARIsAKsnTxNEz5Cz3MW2WfwVUQhtJdDsBov73nfq5uLpMVrub3CRNYcRbFQHdtQaArxXEALw_wcB
At the end of the day, it's best to delve into your personal interests and goals and see if they match. Your passion and motivation will help to overcome some of the challenges you would expect to come across as you learn about business management. The work you put in will be rewarding. Hope this helps!
Junnie’s Answer
Hi Carmyn,
I agree with Jessie, everything is hard in the beginning, but I also think that it is whether you have the interest with the topic.
My parents advice me to take business management as a degree, when I started my college. I find that most of the 101 business course were rather boring. It's basic and I felt like not applicable, and boring.
So I decide to go for an Associate Degree so that I can skipped over to hotel & restaurant management for some more fun course. Much hands-on courses, much more fun to learn.
But, as I begin my career, from intern to a full time position with a marketing department, I slowly realized everything that I learned in business management came handy. It's definitely help the thinking process. Hence, I after 5 years into my career, I continue to pursue an MBA. As I took interest in the subjects more, the courses were so much easier to understand, or finding the way to understand the subjects, and applying it to my day to day jobs were definitely helpful.
Business management is the basic need of all field. It is a very important knowledge.
Good luck Carmyn.
Betty’s Answer
If you follow the business news, you might be able to catch a glimpse of how companies are organized. The Harvard Business Review case studies and articles (https://hbr.org) are helpful in educating yourself on business management principles. It does require some critical thinking, good communication, business analysis and other areas that are specialties within business management in and of themselves.
I recommend that you explore this interest with some online classes, and Salesforce (my employer) offers free trails (learning paths). https://trailhead.salesforce.com/home?utm_source=google_sem&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=1587382466&utm_content=102163339176&utm_keyword=%2Btrail%20%2Bsalesforce&sfdc_modal=trailhead-welcome&gclid=Cj0KCQiArvX_BRCyARIsAKsnTxNEz5Cz3MW2WfwVUQhtJdDsBov73nfq5uLpMVrub3CRNYcRbFQHdtQaArxXEALw_wcB
At the end of the day, it's best to delve into your personal interests and goals and see if they match. Your passion and motivation will help to overcome some of the challenges you would expect to come across as you learn about business management. The work you put in will be rewarding. Hope this helps!
Jessie’s Answer
Everything is hard when you first attempt it. The key to making something easy is to stick with it and practice. Business management encompasses a wide swath of skills (e.g. accounting, technology, leadership, analysis, etc.) Start with getting familiar with a few of those areas and doing some reading or coursework. Once you get a baseline of knowledge to work with in a couple of topical areas, you'll find that seeing the big picture is a lot easier.