if you want to work with young kids what is the best major?
i'm cool and funny #education
6 answers

Alexandra (Sasha) Verkh
Alexandra (Sasha)’s Answer
Do you mean college major?
I think you need to think about the type of career you might like. Teaching? Medicine? Nursing? Library science? Occupational therapy? Nanny? Then work backwards to figure out the educational path you need to follow.
My experience is that when you need something further than just a high school or college degree (i.e. a certification for instance), you can pick whatever major lights your fire, as long as you meet the requirements to get that certification or degree.
Simeon’s Answer
Janet’s Answer
Sheila’s Answer
There are many paths you could take such as Early Childhood Education, Pediatrics, Social Work, etc. You've received some great comments already, especially from Shasha. I agree with her in working backwards to figure out the educational path you need to follow. Also, check with your Guidance Counselor to see what career choices are out there for working with children.
Best of luck to you!