What do you find most enjoyable about your job ?
I am a senior at Brennan High School Interested in going into the business field. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing...
24 answers
Jennifer’s Answer
Cheryl’s Answer
I enjoy the diversity of being an Executive Assistant at AT&T. I look forward to taking on new projects, coordinating calendars and helping my team be the best they can be by being positive and helpful. I believe it is critical to choose a career that you have true passion. Invest in yourself by taking full advantage of personal learning and career growth opportunities. Good Luck !
Peter’s Answer
I've had the opportunity to work in a range of companies and at various levels and to me it comes down to a couple of key things that determine whether or not my experiences are enjoyable. The first relates to the people you work with and the culture of the environment you work in. Regardless of how you look at things you'll likely spend more time with your work colleagues each week than you spend with your family (at least while you are awake that is). Get it wrong and your days will be long and unfulfilling regardless of how interesting the work might be. Get it right and the day will fly by. A positive, inclusive, collaborative culture with a diverse set of colleagues that bring different perspectives to the table is key to finding enjoyment in the work space. The second is to find a company that does something you are interested in or that you see brings tremendous value to the market. Being able to speak passionately about what your company does and how you contribute to that definitely increases the level of enjoyment you get back in return.
Conn’s Answer
Earlier in my career when I was a direct seller, I really enjoyed the customer interaction, the pressure to succeed, and the feeling of accomplishment when I was at the top of the stack ranking. In our field, the constantly changing technology and customer demands kept the job interesting too.
If you had asked me what I thought I would enjoy about my career when I was in high school, I would have been overly preoccupied with the title, company, or salary (none of which is the cornerstone of my enjoyment in my career).
Are you looking to start a career out of high school or heading to college? If the latter, you have plenty of time to figure out what you enjoy and what you want to pursue. It's likely to change as you get older too.
steve’s Answer
Tia’s Answer
First and foremost- my peers! Having team members that I work well with and being on a team where everyone values all input is truly rewarding in itself and speaks a lot for the company culture!
I also love that I work in a dynamic industry and I learn something new every day! It is never boring and each day is a little different.
I enjoy making a difference. I may be 1 person in a large company, but I am 1 part of a team that works together to make things better for the company and the people in which it serves. What we do together matters to me, because we are making a positive impact.
Merry’s Answer
Aime’s Answer
James’s Answer
Joey what do you find enjoyable? Collaborative or individual-oriented tasks? Hierarchical or flat corporate structure? Predictable/stable vs. reactive responses? Focused vs. multitasking? Travelling or staying put? Talking to customers or managing back office tasks? Often times younger folks like to challenge themselves in a fast-paced, start-up environment where they can wear multiple hats and be exposed to many different areas until they identify what they like or don't like. Others may want to start their careers in bigger, established corporations with better job security but they are presented with opportunities to rotate to other departments after learning what they like or don't like. In my case, I like working with smart, motivated professionals who are well-aware of our responsibilities and perform our tasks to the best of our abilities. I have rotated a few times in my career and eventually found my place in my current group which I enjoy tremendously.
Wenny’s Answer
Catherine’s Answer
As previous responders have said your team really does make a difference. It takes time to build trust and relationships however there’s no beating coming into an office where you can be yourself, be comfortable, and feel at home.
I love being challenged and not being bored. Although we all have tasks that need to be done that are as invigorating as others, the majority of the time I have projects that I am passionate about and excited to learn about the subject matter. I am always learning every day, which is my dream.
I am a very outspoken person and I love giving my opinion, when it is thought out. If I worked at a place that wanted me to stay quiet because I was at the “bottom of the totem pole” I wouldn’t feel empowered.
Especially during these crazy times (Covid-19), I am so fortunate to work for a company that has not had to lay off anyone and has shifted the priority to our employees while still providing value to our clients.
Rebecca’s Answer
Dan’s Answer
Stuart’s Answer
Jeff’s Answer
You can learn a lot by taking the time with getting to know your customers. Often times, they ask relatively simple questions... I enjoy building a relationship with them and trying to understand their goals and challenges.
In my Reporting & Analytics world, the knowledge I gain from connecting with my customers help me create reporting solutions beyond their original ask. It is very rewarding to see the impact my work has towards the business and our processes.

James Constantine Frangos
James Constantine’s Answer
What Brings Me Joy In My Profession:
My joy stems from empowering people to break free from the vicious cycle of health issues through nutritional education software. This journey began in 1994, even though my programming skills were honed as early as 1972. I took on the mantle of a nutritionist in 1976 and further expanded my expertise by becoming a dietitian in 1988. My academic journey includes a Bachelor's degree from the 1970s and a qualifying Master's in medical biochemistry. Encouraged by a doctor, I pursued a postgraduate diploma in orthomolecular nutrition, followed by another in nutrition and dietetics, and then public health.
In the realm of business, especially in areas like marketing, entrepreneurship, and business management, professionals often derive pleasure from different facets of their work. Here are some elements that individuals might find enjoyable:
Creativity: Marketing and entrepreneurship offer a wide canvas for creativity. Crafting innovative campaigns, designing products, or formulating unique business strategies can be incredibly rewarding for those who love to think creatively.
Problem-Solving: Business professionals often face challenges that demand critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Overcoming hurdles and finding solutions can be intellectually stimulating and gratifying.
Impact: The satisfaction of making a tangible impact on a business, its customers, or society at large can be fulfilling. Seeing the fruits of your labor, like a successful marketing campaign that boosts sales or building a company from scratch, can be deeply gratifying.
Continuous Learning: The business landscape is dynamic and constantly evolving. For those who love learning new concepts and staying updated with industry trends, the opportunity for continuous growth in the business field can be thrilling.
Autonomy: Entrepreneurs often relish the autonomy that comes with running their own businesses. The freedom to make independent decisions and shape the future of their ventures can be empowering and enjoyable.
These are some common aspects that individuals in the business field may find enjoyable about their work, but preferences can vary greatly based on their interests, values, and goals.
Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:
Harvard Business Review: A trusted source known for its insightful articles on various business topics ranging from management practices to marketing strategies.
Forbes: A globally recognized publication offering expert insights on entrepreneurship, leadership, finance, and other aspects of the business world.
Entrepreneur: A valuable resource providing guidance for aspiring entrepreneurs with articles covering startup advice, small business management tips, and industry trends.
These sources were consulted to ensure accuracy and reliability in providing information related to the enjoyment factors in the business field.
Monica’s Answer
Mark’s Answer
I enjoy working for a later stage start up company based out of San Francisco as a "Sr. Recruiter." The work I do to find talent is very enjoyable changing peoples lives for the positive. I enjoy seeing the people in our company develop and grow in their roles with each quarter that passes. My day typically has a plan but there is a part of it that require me to be flexible and adjust, adjusting within the minute or times within the hour based on the business need. It doesn't feel like work to me and I'd say find what you love to do and turn it into a career.
Simeon’s Answer
Tammy’s Answer
I enjoy learning a new task and them making it more efficient.
Emesha’s Answer
I enjoy the interaction and collaboration with my teammates, it gives me the opportunity to learn more about my peers and the ability to contribute to the overall success of the team. Team building events are the best. I truly believe that team work makes the dream work and two are better than one.
Sirlei’s Answer
Shelia’s Answer
Diego’s Answer
Continuous Learning and Differentiated Knowledge....this is why I love my job at Cisco!
Every quarter I deal with new products, new technologies, the latest & greatest Design Engineering requirements in the Industry I'm interested in, the most innovative technology suppliers.
Working for a company is a two-way commitment: They pay you to get your help, and you learn, stay up-dated and differentiate your experience and education. It