2 answers
what are some minors that fit me?
I like games, food, Pokemon, and i like science.#igintingpossiblilities
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2 answers
Jigyasha’s Answer
My major is Food Science and I also love Pokemon, science and foods, of course. I love trying new food products and as a part of my job I used to test a lot of food products either frozen or ready to eat foods on daily basis. If you have passion for food and you want to learn the science behind any food products, either majoring in Culinary science or Food Science might be a good option for you.
Lynn Nneka’s Answer
Choosing a minor is as important as choosing a major. However, you should be able to draw a thin line between both to ensure that one doesn't affect the other negatively. Most importantly, your minor does not affect your major. In order words, telling us what your major is should help us advise you better, so it isn't affected.
Science is a very broad course and could be very demanding if your major is already very demanding. Also, finding out what minors that are available in your college and which of them really interests you is a step in the right direction. For example, what sort of games are available and which one of them do you really have interest for and at the end of the day would still afford you enough time to concentrate on your major.
Science is a very broad course and could be very demanding if your major is already very demanding. Also, finding out what minors that are available in your college and which of them really interests you is a step in the right direction. For example, what sort of games are available and which one of them do you really have interest for and at the end of the day would still afford you enough time to concentrate on your major.