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What skills benefited you most in the I.T field?

#IT #skills

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13 answers

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Michael’s Answer


Coding and development are obviously important, but having a creative approach with the ability to communicate what you want is incredibly important, particularly when you're working with business counterparts on highly complex projects where some folks may have a lack of technical aptitude or expertise to grasp the details. Being able to communicate high-level designs in a clear and concise way is an extremely powerful skillset that has benefited me incredibly.

Honestly, one of the best resources is the "Explain Like I'm Five" Reddit (ELI5) - where people really do a good job at this.
Thank you comment icon Thank you very much. Rene
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Theresa (Tisa)’s Answer

Hello Rene
Your question is a really good one. Most people think they just need to know "computers" or how to code. Those skills are great but there are a few others that I think are more valuable no matter the type of IT job you have.
I have been in technology for over 20 years in a variety of roles. From Help desk, data analyst, Software configuration mgmt, database manager, etc. In every job i had, i went into not having that specific experience. But what got me in the door and helped me be successful was the ability to be adaptable. IT has a lot of fluctuations and tends to be fluid. Being flexible or adaptable to the fast changes that happen will make you very valuable.
Another skill is the ability to see the big picture and zoom into the fine details and be comfortable. Most people can only do one well. Problem solving and building relationship are other important skills. If you work in a very large company, you will usually have to work with people in a variety of organizations and roles. Building those relationships will make it easier when you need to corral people to do what you need them to do or provide answers that you need.
Example. I am currently a Technical program manager. I need to oversee and manage efforts that span across a company of over 200,000 people. Which means lots of different personalities, people with different priorities and in different locations. Building strong relationships and trust helps me keep them all moving the same direction.
I hope this helps some.

Good Luck
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Yana’s Answer

Hi Rene,
What helped me is:
attention to details, logical thinking, never giving up and pushing for answers - even the hard ones :)
Empathy - ability to put yourself into person's shoes and understand what they are experiencing, why they are upset and what you can do to help them.
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Brendon’s Answer

A good work environment is super important when working in an office.
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AJAY’s Answer

Would be best for you to narrow down area(s). A basic list is
1) IT - Infrastructure (Network, Hardware and Security)
2) IT - Applications (Across functions like HR, Sales. e.g Salesforce, Workday)
3) IT - Data (E.g Hadoop, Tableau)
4) ITSM - IT Service Management
5) IT Operations - like Support
6) IT - Architecture

You can then narrow down the skills
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Kevin’s Answer

Two words: Constant Learning.
The IT field is full of opportunity if you keep your skills fresh...I have certifications from may industry sources, from vendors like Cisco or Microsoft to think tanks to professional associations like ISACA.
Current skills=currently employable.

The ability to communicate technical information to non-technical management folks is also important if you want to lead technical people and organizations. There is still (regrettably) no way to make infrastructure sound attractive unless you can put it into business terms like how many more transactions per hour/minute, how many more orders processed, etc. Senior managers are impressed by potential dollars saved or made, not by how fast a signal gets from point A to point B.
Thank you comment icon i hear DevOps is what all the cool kids do these days ;) Dhairya Dalal
Thank you comment icon DevSecOps is the current buzzword they throw around. The bottom line is program intelligently and quickly, good secure code is better than outstanding code with a bunch of security holes in it. Kevin Rezek
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Bingxin’s Answer

Hey Rene,

I am doing project management work in IT team. For me, both technical skill and soft skill are important for a career in IT.

I need technical skill so that I know how hard the technical part is in a certain project. I would be able to estimate the workload for my co-workers and request them to fix the problem within a reasonable time. Thus push forward the project.

I need soft skill so that I could maintain a good relationship with my team. I'd be able to get work down faster with the help of others.
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Manaswini’s Answer

Being an IT Engineer, you might have to multitask and prioritise the set of tasks that have to be accomplished. Understanding your strengths play a very important role in choosing the work you intend to do (you have got to love the work you do!). Learning and implementing helps you identify your strengths. So, a good learning curve will help you choose a perfect place. Good communication skills catalyses the process of becoming a versatile IT Engineer (projecting the work you do is as important as doing it :) ).

As I earlier mentioned, Multitasking, understanding dependencies, selecting the best way of doing it and finally doing it, says it all in a nutshell. In this world of emerging technologies, it is important for one to be updated with the current technology skillsets. Continuous learning thus has a very high importance to get going at any point of time.
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Jakkrawarn Diff’s Answer

Depends on what function and environment you are in, but for me is interpersonal skill.

I have been working in IT support function, so my daily interactions are not just with the machines but also with the users - humans.

Without interpersonal skill, you might not be able to gather as much information as you need in order to investigate the issues in front of you.
The way you ask, talk back, including facial expression and body language are very crucial to calm down people that facing issue and be cooperative so you can do your work.

I am not English native speaker but this is what I can suggest.
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Victor’s Answer

soft skills are really important, technical skills will help you solve issues but without good communications skills you will not get very far. If you are really have exceptional technical skills you will get recognized but for the majority of people it will be hard, specially if you are in a strong team, communication and soft skills will help you in the long run more than just pure technical skills.
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Stuart’s Answer

Grit is the best skill to hone. The IT field requires many hours of study, learning, and making mistakes. To navigate through the challenges, strong IT professionals are not the ones that know everything, but the individuals who are willing to learn and do the work to master concepts and technology.
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Sri’s Answer

Here is my honest mantra that will help in all venues of life; Though leadership, Building Trust, Most of all GRIT. The time you spend on reading this book GRIT by Angela Duckworth is well worth your investment in all facets of life. Good Luck.
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Jayesh’s Answer

Network Programming! Python is a good coding language to start with as it has really vast libraries and apt for writing automation scripts.
Also note that IT is a fast paced industry and technologies transform rapidly, one universal skillset that keeps us going is creativity. Creativity for me is nothing but constantly improving.