Are there any current High School Finance Internships?
I am aware that JP Morgan and Chase offered an Investment Bank Program however there application for 2016 has not come out. Does anyone know of any Fiance or Business Internships for High School Students? In or Around New York City? I am currently a High School Junior soon to be a Senior. I am a really qualifications and resume (Been doing internships since I was 13 in my hometown) #business #finance #internships
3 answers
Kathryn’s Answer
Vikas’s Answer
Yes there are high school internships, but not as many as college internships that start from the sophomore year. I am in the Northern Virginia area and there are a limited ones available. The best way to approach them are through your high school or if you know any anyone in the industry. I would think that NYC being a hub for finance, there should be some other mechanism as getting in touch with the Chamber of Commerce to see if they can provide a list of companies who are looking for finance interns