20 answers
20 answers
Melisa’s Answer
What a great question! As Zach shared in his answer, internships are a great start and can give you exposure to a career or company that you have interest in learning more about. Internships can provide experience and a true look into jobs while also helping you gain the knowledge you seek about a particular organization or industry.
And, no matter what career interests you, I also feel it is important to find time to volunteer, in any way you can, to help make an impact in our world. Volunteer experiences can also lead you to grow your network of people, find mentors and learn more about jobs that may interest you. Sometimes, volunteering can also give you leadership experience in managing an event or project and giving you experience in working with others to accomplish a goal together.
Best wishes for success in your education and career goals.
internship volunteer work_experience
Seek out a mentor or individual in a career that you are passionate about and learn more about their job, what they like, dislike about it.
Consider setting up time for an informational interview or job shadow session or volunteer alongside a mentor.
Keep asking great questions.
What a great question! As Zach shared in his answer, internships are a great start and can give you exposure to a career or company that you have interest in learning more about. Internships can provide experience and a true look into jobs while also helping you gain the knowledge you seek about a particular organization or industry.
And, no matter what career interests you, I also feel it is important to find time to volunteer, in any way you can, to help make an impact in our world. Volunteer experiences can also lead you to grow your network of people, find mentors and learn more about jobs that may interest you. Sometimes, volunteering can also give you leadership experience in managing an event or project and giving you experience in working with others to accomplish a goal together.
Best wishes for success in your education and career goals.
internship volunteer work_experience
Melisa recommends the following next steps:
Al Fernando’s Answer
Hi Fuhad
In addition to the other comments, volunteering in a non-profit org may be an option. They are normally cost-conscious with a strong focus and maintaining good finance processes.
In addition to the other comments, volunteering in a non-profit org may be an option. They are normally cost-conscious with a strong focus and maintaining good finance processes.
Zach’s Answer
Hi Fuhad! I'm not located in the UK, so it may be slightly different there. But, depending on your need to make money you have a few options. Internships are great, starting your own business could be a great learning experience, or just applying for entry-level work. I think it's great that you know the fields you're interested in, but since many businesses have finance departments you should probably start by considering what types of businesses/industries interest you. I'm a big fan of following your interests (and/or having multiple passions), rather than your passion (interesting article on that topic: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/life-advice-dont-find-your-passion/). Once you have a semblance of what industries interests you I would recommend I would also strongly encourage you to seek out any type of entry level job, including internships or career accelerator programs (another fancy term for internships, but not as geared towards students). If you're in school or connected to a university you may want to also speak with someone in their career counseling department (or related) and see if they can help you get your foot in the door at a business you're interested in. The reason I mentioned looking for any entry level job instead of just one in Finance is that I believe your goal should be to find a business (and business model) that you believe in and are excited to work for, you can usually change fields/focus at a business, especially if you prove your value/ability. Two last pieces of advice: 1) create separate and unique resumes for each role you apply for making sure to tailor your resume to keywords in the job posting and on the company's site; 2) if/when possible prioritize working for/finding the right manager more than the right company/job/industry (your relationship with your manager will be everything and often lead to your development). Happy to discuss this more with you Fuhad if you have any other questions.
Jenny’s Answer
A great way to gain work experience is to look for an internship or part time job while in college/university. That is a great way to get exposure and decide on the career path upon graduation:)
Victoria’s Answer
I would suggest utilizing your network! You should also use your local job sites to search for internships/placements in areas of interest. These opportunities will give you great insights into the working world and potentially help uncover new skills & interests that you may not have originally recognized!
Matthew’s Answer
Hey Fuhad!
I would recommend searching Linkedin for internships. Linkedin has become a force when it comes to recruiting. Good Luck! :)
Link: https://www.google.com/search?q=linkedin+internships+jobs+London,+England,+United+Kingdom&oq=linkedin+internships&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l7.7955j1j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&ibp=htl;jobs&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjStJX_3NvnAhXQCTQIHW_vCXQQp4wCMAF6BAgNEAE#fpstate=tldetail&htivrt=jobs&htidocid=O9Z7uTowAGlcgBBlAAAAAA%3D%3D
I would recommend searching Linkedin for internships. Linkedin has become a force when it comes to recruiting. Good Luck! :)
Matthew recommends the following next steps:
Mark’s Answer
Hi Fuhad
I'd recommend building your network in the type of industries you are interested in. Research what requirements the company are looking for and build on this. Check out if the company employs interns and update your CV to match their requirements. Best of luck in your search!
I'd recommend building your network in the type of industries you are interested in. Research what requirements the company are looking for and build on this. Check out if the company employs interns and update your CV to match their requirements. Best of luck in your search!
Samantha’s Answer
Hi Fuhad,
An internship is a short-term job that may be paid or unpaid, that gives you experience in a real workplace.
You could also try Volunteering, from personal experience this is the best way to gain work experience as well as meet like minded people.
Sam :)
An internship is a short-term job that may be paid or unpaid, that gives you experience in a real workplace.
You could also try Volunteering, from personal experience this is the best way to gain work experience as well as meet like minded people.
Sam :)
LeAnna’s Answer
One way is through internships. You'll gain the experience needed to move into more professional work. Internships will also build your network, which is a contributing factor to obtaining professional work experience.
Rickey’s Answer
Volunteering and Internships would be the easiest. These are ways to get your foot in the door and look for that potential field that could lead to a career. Joining LINKEDIN could help if you are using the site properly. There are many programs they offer to learn how to use the site for more than just the basic connections. Keep you eyes open for Career Fairs as well.
Jordan’s Answer
The catch-22 question:
How to get work experience if you have none? -> need a job for work experience -> cannot get job because no work experience.
To break this catch-22, I will suggest to network through community/university/college networking events to get to know employers in person. With that in mind, bring up to the prospective employers you are available for an internship and politely state you are willing to work for them.
How to get work experience if you have none? -> need a job for work experience -> cannot get job because no work experience.
To break this catch-22, I will suggest to network through community/university/college networking events to get to know employers in person. With that in mind, bring up to the prospective employers you are available for an internship and politely state you are willing to work for them.
Nicole’s Answer
Excellent question!
To start off, internships are always a great idea. They provide you with the opportunity to peek inside your possible future career and to network in that field.
I would suggest joining a platform like 'Handshake.com', they normally partner with your school and help provide fitting internships based on your resume and college courses!
Best of luck!
Excellent question!
To start off, internships are always a great idea. They provide you with the opportunity to peek inside your possible future career and to network in that field.
I would suggest joining a platform like 'Handshake.com', they normally partner with your school and help provide fitting internships based on your resume and college courses!
Best of luck!
Trevor’s Answer
I would recommend leveraging your personal network when seeking jobs. Attending networking events is a great way to expand your network, which could lead to future job/internship offers. Colleges typically host career fairs where employers are searching for students to hire. Research the companies who are attending before the event to impress the recruiters.
I would recommend leveraging your personal network when seeking jobs. Attending networking events is a great way to expand your network, which could lead to future job/internship offers. Colleges typically host career fairs where employers are searching for students to hire. Research the companies who are attending before the event to impress the recruiters.
Valerie’s Answer
As others have said, I recommend an internship. I am trying to take as many internships as I can before graduating so that I can get as much experience in different companies of different dynamics . I think doing this will help become a more well-rounded individual who will be ready for hire after graduation! Plus some internships pay very well and you will learn SO much valuable information.
Sean’s Answer
You ask a great question -- all the best jobs want to hire someone with experience, so how can you get experience?
Volunteering and internships, as has been mentioned here by most responders, is an excellent way to go. Not only are you doing tasks related to your chosen field, but you are also building relationships that will come in handy when looking for a paying gig.
Additionally, volunteer work looks great on your resume because it shows you have passion for the work you're doing.
Also, it can't be overstated that working in these positions will help build your interpersonal skills. These are very difficult to train, but highly valued in the workplace!
Volunteering and internships, as has been mentioned here by most responders, is an excellent way to go. Not only are you doing tasks related to your chosen field, but you are also building relationships that will come in handy when looking for a paying gig.
Additionally, volunteer work looks great on your resume because it shows you have passion for the work you're doing.
Also, it can't be overstated that working in these positions will help build your interpersonal skills. These are very difficult to train, but highly valued in the workplace!
Adrian’s Answer
Focus on what you really want to do. Then research companies that do this really well. Look for a good fit with your career path.
Be proactive and contact companies direct. Use LinkedIn to identify key contacts. Build your network and leverage your contacts.
Be proactive and contact companies direct. Use LinkedIn to identify key contacts. Build your network and leverage your contacts.
Will’s Answer
One idea worked recently. A man stood at a tube station and handed out his CV to everyone. He was offering to do anything in finance, gratis, for 1 month. He got a placement that day.
Kori’s Answer
If you are a college student the best way to receive an internship opportunity would be to attend career fairs and organisation meetings. Also leveraging professors because they usually have connections and want to help you achieve your goals.
Sara’s Answer
I agree with the ideas of volunteering and interning but recognize that working for free may not be realistic. I would encourage you to seek out paid internships and if that's not possible see if your university or organizations within your community offer work experience grants that help to cover your expenses.