3 answers
What colleges have the highest reputation for creating successful surgeons?
I'm a freshman in Arkansas, and my high school teachers, while they attempt to be helpful, don't know enough about my future career plans to be of much help. #healthcare #health #surgery #general-surgery #trauma-treatment #doctor #hospital-and-health-care #college #career #career-counseling
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3 answers
静’s Answer
China Medical University, Dalian Medical University, Harbin Medical University
晨雨’s Answer
1,Peking union medical college
2,Capital medical university
3,Southern medical university
2,Capital medical university
3,Southern medical university
Rachel’s Answer
Any 4 year university should be able to provide you with all of the premed requirements (1 year biology, 1 year inorganic chemistry, 1 year organic chemistry + labs, physics, calculus, and biochemistry). I would look at each school individually and see which fits your personality and desired major best (does not have to be science).