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How do you know that what you want to do in life you are actually going to enjoy it

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Subject: Career question for you


15 answers

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Meredith’s Answer

It is always difficult to figure this out and many people switch careers/jobs multiple times. So first off, if this is the way things go for you, this is not anything abnormal as I would say the majority of people search for the right fit for a long time.

Think through things you enjoy doing in your daily life and how you approach each day - do you make lists of what needs to be done (if yes, you like structure and would want to do something that allows you to do this during work), do you like looking at numbers (you like being analytical), do you like talking to people (you enjoy having people interaction). This will give you keys things to look for in a job that you may take - you want it to align with how you enjoy spending your time.

Outside of this, job shadowing, volunteering, interning are great ways to get exposed to many different job possibilities. You can get a feel for what a day to day is like on the job and maybe even learn new skills and apply current ones you have.
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Carole’s Answer

There are many ways to figure out what you want to do with your career life; I will try and give you some suggestions: 1. First I would go to a career counselor, they are usually at the colleges or high school, and then ask for some assessments on Interest and personality along with skills.
I say this because you will find out which are the careers that interest me and then you will find out which is best for your personality and skills;
2. After you decide on a career that you would like to know more about, you should find someone who is actually doing the job that you are researching, you should ask them if you could follow them for a days (this is called shadowing) a great way to watch what they do;3. the next option is look for a job that you are thinking about and find out if they need a volunteer to help with running the business, and that you are interested in learning more about what they do; Ask questions of the people that you talk with and get their input on what the job is about and how they like it or why they don't like it. 4. I would also research some career book ( suggestions at the bottom!) All of these suggestion are a source of finding out what you would like to do, but the first suggestion should be done first so that you have some guidelines to follow and get some answers that would help you choose the best career for you! If you already have an idea you can start with suggestion 2, 3, &4. please get one or two of the books I suggest you look at. I wish you the best in your research and hope you find a career that works for you!

Carole recommends the following next steps:

What Color Is your Parachute by Richard Bolles
Do What you are by Paul Tieger & Barbara Barron
JOb Search solution by Tony Beshara
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Syed’s Answer

Hi Erin,

While you're still in school, you're able to take more risks by testing out different career paths. Here are some ways you can validate whether you're something you're interested in is actually the right fir for you:

1. Volunteer in the same or an adjacent field: Look at sites like to find these opportunities

2. Pursue an internship in the field: 10-12 weeks is enough time to get a feel for an environment

3. Talk to people in the field to understand what their day-to-day and typical week looks like. Ask what types of things they work on. The more you resonate with and admire what they have to say, the more you'll be attracted to the field

4. Take some additional classes in the field to see how you perform. The greater your natural aptitude, the greater chance you have of succeeding in your career.

5. Look on Craigslist and other gig sites for short term opportunities in the field if you can't commit to a long internship

6. Talk to your teachers and professors about your different career interests and get their advice on the various paths to get there

Best of luck!
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Natasha’s Answer

It is not always easy to know in advance that you will enjoy a chosen career path. It might be a good strategy to talk or connect with several or many people who are working in that same position. When you get to a certain point of early studies (High School Junior/Senior, College Sophomore), find out whether there are some internships, apprenticeships in the career field that you are interested in.

Use tools such as to reach out to groups in your selected work sector. Find out if there are associations or chapters in your state or county that can hold information sessions at your high school or college (and suggest such groups to your guidance counselor, career development office).

Additionally, identify specific companies that you want to work for and find out if there professionals on their teams willing to talk to groups of high school or college students about the work and process. Also, attend a few free career fairs even well before graduation.

Good Luck and Stay Well,
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Monique’s Answer

Try, try, try. Find people in the same profession and interview them. See if you can shadow someone, learn about a Day In The Life of...

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Vivian’s Answer

The simple answer to this is you don't. I didn't know what I wanted to do in life, and honestly, I'm still trying to figure that out. For some people, trial and error can help with this--try something first, and if you like it, great. If you don't like it, move on to the next thing.

My other advice is to seek out things that make you happy. For example, if you love dance, try seeking a job teaching at your local dance studio.
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Marco’s Answer

Hi Erin,

I hope you are well! I think that there must be some traits that indicate that what you plan to do in life will be happy for you, remember how Mark Twain said: “Find a job you enjoy doing, and you will never have to work a day in your life. "

Even when you decide to study something and eventually it does not turn out as you expected or it does not make you happy, absolutely nothing happens, there is always time to change course and change your mind is wise. Henry Ford, Colonel Sounders, Ray Kroc, started their companies when they were over 45 years old. So don't worry too much. However, I think that happiness should be the number one purpose of what you want to do in life, financial compensation and recognition will be a consequence.

I hope the advice is helpful and I wish you the best of success.


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Terence’s Answer

I believe this starts with a solid understanding of yourself. Knowing what motivates you, what you're passionate about, and how you really like to work is pretty important. If you're able to blend your personality, your professional skillset, and your passions, I believe you can find deep fulfillment in the work you do.

To me, if you're able to blend your professional career path with your own interests, then you're always going to have a high level of interest and investment in what you're doing. As you gain more exposure and experience to multiple fields and related disciplines, you'll develop a deeper understanding of what's out there. If you spot a gap or an area that isn't addressed, it may be an opportunity for you to fill it.

Conversely, if you're working in a field that you have no interest or that goes against your skills/personality, you're really "swimming upstream" and making things more challenging. Professionally, you could potentially do a handful of different jobs (say "10") at a company or in an industry. The goal is to narrow it down to the ones that are most fulfilling and conducive to your skillset and interests.
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Pradeep Kumar’s Answer

Hello Erone
I think this is the toughest question and for most of us it takes a lot of hit and trial to figure out. One particular day you might like something but next moment it might seems to be boring. Better way is to analyse your self, try a lot of things and analyse which one you really enjoy. It might take some time to figure out but this is the only way.

Good Luck...

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Boopathy’s Answer

This will vary person to person, firstly build your career according to the current situation and the demand.Keep try and work then see whether you are able to enjoy the job if not try another.
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Douglas’s Answer

Good question, and I along with others were faced with the same dilemma at some point in the past. Many college graduates will change jobs 2 or 3 times before they find the one that they enjoy and they are successful at.
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Angel’s Answer

You never know what you are going to enjoy until you venture out. Don't stay complacent and always get out there to try new experiences.
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Raya’s Answer

Sorry about getting philosophical here, but you really don't.
You can increase the odds by asking questions from people currently doing it, trying it out with internships and volunteering or just by getting a job. But honestly, it will change over time. Something you really enjoy now you may not like in 10, 20, 30 years. So the key is - pick something, try it out, and don't be afraid to make a change if you discover that you don't like it any more!
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Shannon’s Answer

Honestly, no one can really give you an answer. Life is full of surprises. Doing what you enjoy as a career is doable. Figuring out what that career is is the hardest part. Sometimes, it's all about trial and error. You always have a choice. You are not stuck doing one thing for the rest of your life. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, you can go try something else.

Hope that helps!
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David’s Answer

It is all your about passion, dedication, determination, and your pathway you set for yourself. Yes, you may hit couple bumps while reaching what you want, everyone is undecided as the beginning or during mid-way, but that does stop. It is like driving, walking , and etc. one road close we go to another, just do what you want and not what society are making you do. It will be hard but at least you are enjoying what you want and not what other people or society making you do. I would recommend you sitting down, drafting out ideas or set goals so you can hit it and then move on from there to see and drawn out the picture of how you going to enjoy life or what you will be doing.