2 answers
Would you recommend a career in Family Medicine?
I’m considering going into medicine, but I don’t know what specialty is right for me. I would like a career where I can tackle important problems and make people’s lives better. What do you guys think? Would this be the right specialty? I’m trying to figure out which one is right for me. #career-choice #career-choice #medicine #healthcare #career #doctor
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2 answers
Rachel’s Answer
Primary care is a very rewarding field but can be difficult for many physicians. PCP's are in high demand, and they are being asked to see more patients with more complicated problems. They are also having to dedicate less time to each patient because of decreases in compensations. This job, while very much in demand, requires a broad knowledge of medicine. Great field, very challenging.
Estelle’s Answer
If you are planning to practice in rural community with few resources, Family Practice is a great idea. In larger cities, much of family practice is being performed by physician extenders who refer to specialists. So, your question is very good. Tha answer depends on where you plan to practice.