2 answers
Would you recommend a career in Psychiatry & Neurology?
I’m considering going into medicine, but I don’t know what specialty is right for me. I would like a career where I can tackle important problems and make people’s lives better. What do you guys think? Would this be the right specialty? I’m trying to figure out which one is right for me. #doctor #medicine #healthcare #career #career-choice
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2 answers
Rachel’s Answer
My sister is a psychiatrist and loves her work. She has tremendous variety in the types of patients she sees. She has worked in a high-security prison and in an inpatient children's facility. She sees patients in outpatient clinics and in the hospital. Mental illness is a drastically undertreated condition, and this work is not only fulfilling but very much in demand.
Dennis’s Answer
This analogy, although imperfect, may help in understanding the difference: Psychiatrists focus on and treat symptoms originating in the brain that lead to abnormal voluntary functions, i.e; human behaviors, whereas neurologists focus on and treat symptoms originating in the brain that produce abnormal involuntary