5 answers
If I don't take any AP in high school can I go to med school
#medicine #premed
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5 answers

Donna Speckhard, CBCP, CRMP, CHEP, CSM, PCP
I have background in Crisis Management - managing and planning for disasters like Pandemic Planning. I also have a strong background in Safety and Security, Business Resiliency, and Global Risk.
Ashburn, Virginia
Donna’s Answer
It won't impact your ability to get into medical school. You need good grades in college, a major that can be leveraged in the field you want to go in (you do not have to take pre-med like in the past) for example Human Development, sports medicine, etc. It comes down to that and the MCAT. AP or IB courses are helpful in High School if you do well in them - it gives you an idea of coursework at a college level and it allows you to get credit for classes you would otherwise have to pay a great deal to take in college.
Richard’s Answer
Take as many AP or IB courses in high school. You have a lot of years of education in front of you and getting college credit in high school can save you time and money.
But not having an AP program at your high school won't be a problem for medical school. You may just have to study harder in college to catch up.
But not having an AP program at your high school won't be a problem for medical school. You may just have to study harder in college to catch up.
Estelle’s Answer
AP classes save time and money towards your college degree but won't affect your medical school application. The AP classes also prepare your for college level classes. So, they have value but will not hinder you if they are not available to you.
Yasemin’s Answer
Hi Robert! Yes you can. If you do take AP courses they help with college classes by introducing you to medical school content a little early. However you can wait until college to take the prerequisites required for medical school.
Best of luck!
Best of luck!

Kimberly Dryden
Full-time Undergraduate Student studying Medical Sciences at the University of Cincinnati
North Bend, OH
Kimberly’s Answer
While it certainly won't make or break your application, taking AP STEM courses (especially biology and chemistry) has helped me immensely in college. I'm a pre-med undergraduate at the University of Cincinnati in the Medical Sciences program, and although my advisors strongly recommend taking college biology and chemistry (since many med schools do not accept only AP credit), having a strong background in those disciplines from taking the AP courses helped my transition into college as well as my GPA immensely. Starting intensive study in these courses now will definitely contribute to your MCAT preparedness as well. Plus, AP Biology is a lot of fun!!! It was my favorite class in high school!!!