What are some online courses I can take to better prepare myself for the future?
I am a social sciences student in university, and am hoping to better prepare myself for my future career. During this pandemic, I hope that I can pick up some skills online, what are some skills I should pick up?
#socialsciences #college #career #personal-development
17 answers
Angela D.’s Answer
Angela D. recommends the following next steps:
Vidhya’s Answer
Blaire’s Answer
- Build on your soft skills and hard skills
- Have fun! Find things you love to do
- Trailhead is a great place to hone your Salesforce skills!
Nadia’s Answer
You can find many different courses on YouTube or, for example, BBC pages:
David’s Answer
David recommends the following next steps:
john’s Answer
Claire’s Answer
Kim’s Answer
1. Finance: understanding budgets, balance sheets, etc. How would you use this? You might need to write a grant proposal, or perhaps work on the budget of a non-profit entity.
2. Performance metrics: Establishing measurable goals, and methods of measuring them, and devising ways to improve performance.
3. Process improvement: related to #2. Could be used in the job, or when working internally trying to get employees to perform at a higher level, or be able to do more work with fewer people.
4. Predictive analytics: often used in sales, but has applications in policy and social sciences - using historical data to predict the future.
Right now, a whole lot of people like to analyze everything and the human factor is quickly disappearing. Experts have devised tests that tell whether you are a good candidate for a job. If you don't pass the test, you don't get the interview. I personally dislike this entire development, for lots of reasons, but, the fact remains, it is with us. Numbers can say anything you want them to, if you know how to "spin" it.
The more you can understand what these number gurus are doing, the better prepared you will be!
As to where to take classes, if you are unfamiliar with it, look up MOOCs. Lots of availability!
Good luck!
Vic’s Answer
The Science of Wellbeing - https://www.coursera.org/learn/the-science-of-well-being?utm_source=gg&utm_medium=sem&utm_campaign=09-ScienceofWellBeing-US&utm_content=09-ScienceofWellBeing-US&campaignid=9728548210&adgroupid=102459401907&device=c&keyword=yale%20university%20online%20courses&matchtype=b&network=g&devicemodel=&adpostion=&creativeid=428300743411&hide_mobile_promo&gclid=CjwKCAiAq8f-BRBtEiwAGr3DgX0MUFZtdHNy7BjGROeAFZaD-5viD5n2kjgJwEbu4X5_Sexlr6K77BoCs9YQAvD_BwE
I Will Teach You to Be Rich - Book by Ramit Sethi
Other topics to figure out:
- insurance
- retirement
- financial wellness
Alina’s Answer
Sean’s Answer
Jill’s Answer
Secondarily, I would get well experienced at Excel, and data analysis, this is a strong skill to have in the market place.
Hope this helps you, good luck!
Sally’s Answer
Adam’s Answer
Trent’s Answer
Matthew’s Answer
I took a Public Speaking class online. I would highly recommend it because it is a very useful skill and is convenient as an online class. Good luck!