What states have loan repayment programs for rural healthcare providers?
I am a third year physical therapy student. Student loans are something that wears on every student, my only opportunity after college for physical therapy school was a private school. Thus student loans were much higher than I would have liked. I am interested in moving to a state in a rural community to give high quality health care to under served areas. #college #finance #healthcare #government #hospital-and-health-care
1 answer
Katia’s Answer
Hello Brenton,
Take a look on this web site
It does not directly pertain to PT but as I was looking for scholarships to help me out with my Master's degree, I came across some interesting ones that may help you.
Also, you can contact FAFSA (Federal Government) and explain that you are interested in a work-study type of loan.
You can apply for scholarships were you sign a contract of 2 years (sometimes 3 years) to work for a non-profit organization that provides health care to undeserved populations. They may pay up to 60% of your student loans. You just have to make sure that you honor your commitment; otherwise, you may have have to pay them back plus interest rate. So, just make sure that you do your research, call them, ask questions before assuming a commitment that you later regret. Overall, it is a good deal to get your loan paid off as well as get experience in your field of practice. I wish you the best!