What major should I take if I want to teach english in korea?
When I grow older and graduate college I want to move to korea and teach high school students english because in korea english is a language that they want to know and learn how to speak it. #teacher #college-major #education #english #korea
4 answers
MJ’s Answer
Major does not matter but you must have BA degree and they do check criminal back ground.
Nowadays it is very competitive so any certification related to English teaching will be helpful and at least few years of teaching experience needed.
Thank you!

Deidre Mercedes Watson
Deidre Mercedes’s Answer
I want to endorse the previous answer. There is no specific undergraduate degree for teaching ESOL. They are basically looking for people who have a college degree period. However a degree in English would not hurt. What I would suggest is after completing college you could do a certificate course in TESL/TEFL. Some universities offer this program and it possible to do it along with your regular degree courses so by the time you finish you would have your degree and a diploma or certificate to teach English to speakers of other languages at the same time. There are also quite a few online courses available as well.
Amber’s Answer
Hi Yula,
Most programs do not require a specific major for you to teach in Korea although majoring in English or Education would be beneficial and help you in your journey. They usually only require a Bachelor’s degree/diploma from an accredited college or university (4 years in US/3 years in UK). they will also require that your criminal record is clear, and you hold a current passport.
phillip’s Answer
You should major in English with a minor in Korean.