What can you do with a Bachelor's degree in Economics?
I am pursuing a bachelor's degree in Economics with a minor in Business, what kind of career options are there for Econ majors? #business #finance #accounting #economics #investment
7 answers
Paul’s Answer
Your question should be changed to: "What can't you do with a degree in Economics?" You have to understand that Economics is the foundation for all businesses no matter the industry. Think about it, how can you possibly operate in any business environment and not be impacted by what is going on in the country's economy? A person cannot be an effective leader without having a good understanding of how the economy will have an impact on their decision. Also, because Economics is the foundation, it allows you to go anywhere you want to in your career. For example, I majored in Economics back in college and ended up in Financial Services as a Compliance Analyst. I had no idea I would end up where I am today but I'm glad I did. Because you are majoring in Economics with a minor in business (my minor was finance) you should be able to do anything you want. Just don't think you have to ne an Economist. Think broadly.
Mario’s Answer
I also majored in Economics with a minor in Business. I chose finance as a career path but have friends from my class who work in Business Operations, Marketing, Investment. Others went into research and teaching.
Olha’s Answer
I have also majored in Economics which gave me a great foundation that I've built on later on. As it was already commented, you should not think that the only path in this case is becoming an Economist, because it is not. Right after my Bachelor studies I have started working in Account Receivables and (payment) Collections team. Some of my classmates who had finance as there minor went to Banking, some of them went to Marketing (having Business or Communication as a minor), etc. The bachelor degree is not going to define your exact career path, it gives you great basis and then it's up to you to pick what you want to specialize in and keep developing yourself in that field.

Horatiu G. Stefan
Horatiu G.’s Answer
I have a double major in political science and economics. While I do see an economics degree as valuable, I rarely found myself applying what I learned ... whereas if I had majored in accounting or finance there would have been more practical applications. That said, an economics degree is a great way to build analytical skills which will serve you well in your career. For example ...
After graduating, I joined a management consulting firm where I worked on strategy and business operations projects for 4 years. I then went back to school to get my MBA and decided that I wanted to explore opportunities on consumer products and services as the next step in my career. I chose a corporate strategy role with Samsung and spent over 5 years in Seoul at their corporate headquarters. After returning to the US, I did some freelance consulting and decided shortly thereafter that I wanted to work in an operations role for consumer oriented startups. I now have 3 startups under my belt and am looking for my next opportunity.
This is just one example of a path that an economics degree prepares you for. Good luck!
Sami’s Answer
Thejas’s Answer
Market Analyst.
Business or Economic Writer/Journalist.
Investment Administrator and Analyst.
Sales Executive or Analyst.
Human Resources.
Chris’s Answer
So to answer the question.......... Economics is a great major. It is a great topic to study and understand (not just for a career, but for your personal life too!), and employers see it as a tough degree which demonstrates your ability to learn and develop yourself. It is broad enough to open up different career paths and many industry segments.