2 answers
How rigorous is a medical sciences minor?
I'm a Design major but am vastly interested in the medical field, but not enough for a major. How rigorous is the average Medical minor, and what opportunities arise because of it? #medicine #education #college-minor #college #higher-education #career
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2 answers
Lindsey’s Answer
Hi Collette, I think Nancy gave a good response for the type of coursework. It will definitely depend on the school and your enjoyment of the subject. If you find that you do enjoy both design/art and medical sciences, there are certainly ways to combine both of those into a career. One path that comes to mind is working as a medical illustrator. You can learn more about this type of career, and similar ones, through O*Net, Occupational Outlook Handbook, and LinkedIn. I recommend finding people who have done a major/minor in your field to see what they have gone on to do after school. This can help you get some ideas of what opportunities are out there for someone with your skillsets. One way you can do this research is through linkedin.com/alumni.
Nancy’s Answer
Collette, medical sciences, pre-med, and science in general are rigorous courses. How rigorous depends on the school and its average student body, as well as individual professors. A better question is, "How can I begin exploring my interest in medical sciences?" My advice is to start with introductory biology. That will give you a flavor for college level science classes, and it is often a pre-requisite for further study.