2 answers
How useful is the International Baccalaureate?
I will be receiving my IB diploma in July and I worked very hard for it. As I was applying for colleges I wondered, how useful is it? Since it is a rigorous program and not many students take the IB, does it give me any benefits or advantages in comparison to an average student?
#college #benefits #diploma #ib-diploma #qualifications
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2 answers
Alfredo’s Answer
Hi Angela,
You're right in saying that the IB program is very rigorous and it sounds like you worked hard to obtain it. Those long hours you spent studying for the IB exams will be worth your while once you start college or any future pursuits. While the benefits may not seem immediately obvious the IB made you focus, manage your time effectively, be persistent, and sacrifice things for a better future. These are essential skills to have if you want to be successful in whatever you want to do later on in life. Additionally, the IB goes in depth in the subjects you studied while other programs may cover more subjects to a lesser extent. This will be very helpful later on because you will have a better understanding of those subjects and will give you a clearer view of which ones interest you the most. Once you have received your grades you should be able to receive credits in university for any good grades you get and will be able to skip any introductory classes.
You're right in saying that the IB program is very rigorous and it sounds like you worked hard to obtain it. Those long hours you spent studying for the IB exams will be worth your while once you start college or any future pursuits. While the benefits may not seem immediately obvious the IB made you focus, manage your time effectively, be persistent, and sacrifice things for a better future. These are essential skills to have if you want to be successful in whatever you want to do later on in life. Additionally, the IB goes in depth in the subjects you studied while other programs may cover more subjects to a lesser extent. This will be very helpful later on because you will have a better understanding of those subjects and will give you a clearer view of which ones interest you the most. Once you have received your grades you should be able to receive credits in university for any good grades you get and will be able to skip any introductory classes.
Sofia’s Answer
Hi Angela,
I cannot recommend the IB enough! As someone Spanish who studied high school in India and didn't know where I wanted to go to college, the IB gave me the flexibility to apply to college in any country I wanted to! And then once I got to college, for any course where I had gotten a 6 or 7, I never had to take it again in college! For example I took HL Math and in college I got to skip Calculus I and Calculus II and got the credit transferred. I also really liked the Theory of Knowledge course and the creativity/action/service hours! Although it seemed like a burden while I was going throguh it, now 6 years later looking back makes me realize how much I grew as a person by volunteering and joining different clubs/teams to fulfill that component. I think the IB makes you an extremely well rounded person!
I cannot recommend the IB enough! As someone Spanish who studied high school in India and didn't know where I wanted to go to college, the IB gave me the flexibility to apply to college in any country I wanted to! And then once I got to college, for any course where I had gotten a 6 or 7, I never had to take it again in college! For example I took HL Math and in college I got to skip Calculus I and Calculus II and got the credit transferred. I also really liked the Theory of Knowledge course and the creativity/action/service hours! Although it seemed like a burden while I was going throguh it, now 6 years later looking back makes me realize how much I grew as a person by volunteering and joining different clubs/teams to fulfill that component. I think the IB makes you an extremely well rounded person!