2 answers
As a chemistry major, what would be the best internships to aquire as a future pharmacist?
I am currently in school to obtain a bachelor's in chemistry. I plan on studying pharmacy in graduate school, and I would love more insight on my future endevours. #medicine #pre-med #chemistry #pharmacy #pharmacists
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2 answers
Emily’s Answer
You may want to consider applying for a pharmacy technician position while working on your under-grad. This will provide you with a knowledge of workflow and drugs. Additionally, it will solidify pharmacy as a career choice.
Bruno E.’s Answer
The most widely pharmacy degree being conferred today is the Doctor of Pharmacy (PharmD). In most universities, it is a 6-year professional degree, and can be attained after completion of undergraduate pharmacy school course requisites. This can vary somewhat from school to school. I would suggest that you contact an admissions person at a pharmacy school near to you, who should be able to give you more specifics as to the proper courses of study. Best wishes on your future endeavors.