For some one in law, what advice would you give to someone who wants to become a lawyer?
I am trying to figure out my future with law. I have always wanted to become a lawyer, but I have had some recent doubts. With that being said I am just looking for some advice about being a lawyer. #business #law #lawyer #government #judge
6 answers
Mia’s Answer
Hi Rob:
Here are a few reason to become a lawyer:
1: Job fulfillment - Lawyers actually have the opportunity to make a difference in both the lives of their clients and the lives of people everywhere, as a single case can set precedence for thousands of cases to come. In this job, your hard work is rewarded not just in money, but also in a feeling of fulfillment with your career.
- Salary - Hands down, one of the greatest benefits to becoming a lawyer is the money.
3.Job variety - Most lawyers choose to specialize in one area of law. Your options range from personal injury to real estate law, and whatever specialization you choose, you'll have the chance to learn a lot about that industry. Even within a single specialty, your day-to-day tasks will vary significantly, which keeps your life at work interesting.
I hope this helps.
Kelly’s Answer
Hi - I agree with the above, and I'd also add that it helps to be open-minded. There is so much you can do with a law degree - whether going into private practice, teaching, working in-house, etc. Just having a law degree doesn't mean you have to be one specific type of lawyer. I am in-house and back when I started law school, I never would have thought I would have ended up doing that, but here I am. It suits me and I really enjoy it. So I'd make sure to take a wide variety of courses in law school, see where your interests lie and talk to your professors and other students because you may end up doing something with your law degree you never expected.
Elizabeth’s Answer
Hi Ramon,
In addition to the advice noted above, I would recommend that you won't know until you try it for yourself. Law school is very focused training on key areas that you may use daily when you complete your studies and pass a state bar exam. Your law studies will expose you to many areas of the law - from contracts to tax to specializations such as intellectual property or real estate.
Most importantly, if you stick with law school, you will learn how to analyze transactions and provide recommendations on business-related matters. These are skills that will give you a head start whether you go on to practice law or go into some other type of field such as finance or even sales. Law studies will help you excel in many possible careers. Best of luck!
Ramon’s Answer
Lawyers do many things, mainly doing things that are not shown on television. On the other hand, the great thing about being a lawyer is that there is a wide variety of jobs available. Besides talking to lawyers, judges, and paralegals, you can try to get a job assisting as a law firm to experience legal work directly.
A lot of legal work involves reading carefully, analyzing problems, and coming up with solutions. There are lawyers working in government, helping clients at law firms, arguing in court, drafting contracts, and working at companies to help the business. A lawyer is always assisting someone else, so there are folks depending on you which is rewarding and challenging. Good luck!
Richard’s Answer
Becky’s Answer
Law is such a broad subject, with lots of disciplines within it. The more relevant experience that you can get the better, whether that is formal placements, shadowing or just chatting to others like you are doing here. I had no idea when I was studying that I would become a real estate lawyer, in fact I would say that from an academic perspective it was one of the areas of law I enjoyed the least! But in practice, and with a great team around me, I found that it was my passion.
Good luck with it :)