I am interested also in PR public relations career. What type of degree will this be under and what type of job will I look for under PR
Want more information for public relation degree and career information. Where are the best location for public relations jobs #business #entertainment #public-relations
4 answers
Melissa’s Answer
PR is all about relationship strategist, so my suggestion will be in focus in Marketing because is more broad and after that specialize.
Shawn’s Answer
Earning an MA in Communications degree provides access to more challenging communications careers and higher salary opportunities.
Public relations careers
Public relations builds, improves and maintains an organization’s relationships with many different players. Public relations careers can involve investor relations, consumer relations, corporate communications and employee relations.
The Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) lists eight primary job responsibilities for those pursuing PR careers:
Programming. PR professionals work with people from all over the company, including the CEO, to recommend and plan activities.
Relationships. Those who work in PR develop relationships with management, internal employees and external stakeholders, gathering information from multiple sources to make recommendations.
Writing and editing. Public relations careers can involve preparing press releases, employee newsletters, video scripts, reports, brochures and magazine articles, amongst other writing and editing tasks.
Speaking. Both one-on-one communication and public speaking are key skills for successful PR careers.
Information networks. PR professionals build relationships with crucial people in the media and other important information outlets. They understand how to get information to the right people at the right time.
Production. Public relations careers do not usually require in-depth knowledge of video or digital production, but PR professionals need to know how to leverage technology to convey messages.
Event planning. The PR department puts together press conferences and other special events, including industry conferences, contests, new facilities openings and other occasions.
Research and evaluation. In addition to gathering information through conversations, PR professionals use tools like surveys to conduct opinion research. They use research to provide advice on the direction of the company’s branding efforts.
Most PR careers start with positions such as “communications specialist” or “public relations specialist”, with professionals in this field then advancing to positions such as PR director, manager or vice-president. A college degree is essential for a public relations career.
Wade’s Answer
Depending on where you go to get your degree. I got a degree in Public Relations, thru the Communications Department at Illinois State University. There are several ways to get into this field, and it depends on what you want to do specifically. I talked with a lot of people, and several schools to find the right fit. I also would recommend looking at all the types of classes that you can take in addition to your normal degree requirements. I loved journalism, photography, and desktop publishing/social media courses... which would certainly be trending right now. The sky is your limit... there are so many great things you can do with this.

Anthony V. Crivello
Anthony V.’s Answer
Marketing and business degrees. Take Communications Courses, English and Writing. Also, television and film production. And make sure your computer skills are top of the line. Take computer courses as well. Aim high. Best wishes on your journey.