When you start College, Do you Choose ALL of your Classes or are there Required Classes that you have to take?
Is College like High School where you have required Classes and others you choose? Or Do you choose all your Classes? #college #classes
4 answers
Estelle’s Answer
Yasemin’s Answer
As a last note, as an incoming freshmen your schedule will be set but as you gain more privilege by being an upperclassmen you will have more freeway with picking your classes.
Best of luck!
Han-Bee’s Answer
What a brilliant question you've asked! It's really great to see you're thinking ahead about your college courses.
In most colleges, you'll need to earn 120 credits for undergraduate degrees. These credits will come from a mix of different courses:
- General courses that everyone has to take (like Math, Science, English, and so on)
- Courses that are specific to your chosen major or minor
- Elective courses that you can pick based on your interests
Once you've chosen a major, you'll get a degree audit. This is a handy tool with a list of all the classes you'll need to take to graduate.
It's a really good idea to sit down with an academic advisor to plan your courses. They can help you make sure you're on track to meet all the graduation requirements, and it can save you a lot of time.
If you already know what school and major you want to pursue, you might want to take a look at the academic catalog. It's got a list of all the required courses and can give you a clearer picture of what you'll need to do to graduate. If you're not sure, here's an example to give you an idea: https://www.byui.edu/catalog/#/programs/r1OlNMhVG?bc=true&bcCurrent=Business%20Management%20-%20Marketing&bcGroup=Department%20of%20Marketing&bcItemType=programs
I wish you the best of luck!
Han-Bee recommends the following next steps:
Mark’s Answer
Hi Fenndher,
It depends on the specific school and their requirements on what you will have to take, but I can speak generally of what colleges usually require. This is from my experience, my oldest son's experience, and my daughter-in-laws experience. It will also depend if you go to a specialty school or a liberal arts college.
Most colleges require you to take some entry exams that decide if you need any math or English classes to start. Depending on how you do, you may be required to take some classes to make sure you are ready for other courses in the college. Specific colleges usually have requirements for a certain number of English, math, and social studies credits. Some may require other specifics such as a private school may require religion or philosophy credits. You usually get to pick which courses you take in these areas, but you have to have a certain number of credits in whatever areas they require.
An example is that I had to have 6 social studies credits at my college, so I took 2, 3 credit, Art History classes. I had a choice of several courses, but these were the two I selected.
Best Wishes, Mark