3 answers
What kind of jobs are there for someone that majors in mathematics?
I want to know if I'm able to get a good job for this major. I don't want to make a mistake, and I like math. #math
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3 answers
Sierra’s Answer
Actuarial science or epidemiology is a common career choice for people interested in math. These would be more statistics based than pure math though. If you like math more than statistics, physics uses a lot of higher level math. Additionally, becoming a math professor at a college is always an option.
Charlotte’s Answer
One of the great things about math is how useful and widely applicable it is! Math can help you go directly into any quantitative field -- finance, actuarial sciences, etc -- and the problem solving skills you learn make you a compelling candidate for many many other fields. I studied pure math at college, never took an econ or finance class, and had a relatively easy time transitioning into a career as an FX trader.
However, in considering how useful math is in getting into different careers, you need to differentiate between pure math and applied math. Applied math is focused on analyzing data and using math on real-world problems well pure math is proof-based, focusing on proving facts about math itself. Technically, applied math gives you more directly applicable skills for different careers, but pure math gives you significant problem-solving abilities that also make you are very appealing candidate for any analytical careers.
However, in considering how useful math is in getting into different careers, you need to differentiate between pure math and applied math. Applied math is focused on analyzing data and using math on real-world problems well pure math is proof-based, focusing on proving facts about math itself. Technically, applied math gives you more directly applicable skills for different careers, but pure math gives you significant problem-solving abilities that also make you are very appealing candidate for any analytical careers.
Wael’s Answer
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