What would the benefits be if I minored in a foreign language (Spanish for example)? My ideal major is undecided, but I want to better my understanding of the Spanish language (I am currently in a Spanish Class). Would minoring in Spanish be the way to
In today's world it's very helpful, if not essential, to known another language. I want to better myself and be able to interact with more people by expanding my knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. I am unsure if minoring in Spanish would be the best way to help me learn the language and about the country itself. #college-minor #majors-and-minors #spanish #bilingual
4 answers
Joel’s Answer
- The number of employers looking for bilingual employees DOUBLED from 2010 - 2015
- The number of job postings listing Spanish as a desired skill increased by 150% between 2010-2015.
(New American Economy, March 2017)
- Many jobs offer bonuses and incentives for bilingual employees
In addition, Spanish allows you to communicate outside of the workplace, for travel and for meeting others (and it's a lot of fun!).
Buena suerte, y déjame saber si tienes más preguntas!
Wendy’s Answer
Hola Olivia!
Having Spanish is a minor is a great way to get formalized training and have more emphasis on a language. I received a liberal arts degree in Latin American Studies and minored in Spanish. Since I already had 4 yrs of Spanish in high school, I was able to get some college credit by "placing out" of the entry level courses. That might be an option for you as well. In addition to have Spanish as a minor, you might want to consider studying abroad or traveling to a Spanish speaking country to practice your skills. Any time you can immerse yourself in culture or language is very helpful to the learning process. My Spanish skills essentially helped me with my first job at Dell Inc. I landed a position in Sales for Latin America. So all day long, I was speaking Spanish and selling computers to people in Latin America based out of Austin, Tx.
Buena Suerte!
Rachel’s Answer
Manuel’s Answer
If you're going to be taking a lot of Spanish courses in college anyway, it would be simple to complete a minor but not necessary. Many schools will also allow you to test for proficiency and will, based on the results of this test, provide you with a certification that you are proficient in that language. However, a minor will look much better on your college transcript and your resume.