2 answers
What kind of nuclear waste research is funded in the US?
I am a nuclear engineering graduate student seeking to do research #research #nuclear-engineering #nuclear-science
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2 answers
Taylor’s Answer
This might be a good resource:
I also know that Fluor, the construction company, is involved in disposing and shutting down nuclear plants. Good luck with your search!
I also know that Fluor, the construction company, is involved in disposing and shutting down nuclear plants. Good luck with your search!
Joseph’s Answer
There's several different areas of nuclear waste research. Personally, I work in waste measurement and characterization - I know quite a lot of the technologies I use have come from US-funded research. Also, on my side of "the pond", a lot of the research I see is in waste chemistry and in geology for deep geological disposal; but there's so many other things going on.
A good place to start to look into US-funded research might be to look into the Phoenix Waste Management Symposium - that's perhaps the biggest conference collecting US and international waste management research. They organize their program into different technical tracks:
Track 1: Crosscutting Policies and Programs
Track 2: High-Level Radioactive Wastes, Spent Nuclear Fuel/Used Nuclear Fuel, and Long-Lived Alpha/Transuranic Radioactive Waste
Track 3: Low-Level Waste, Intermediate Level Waste, Very Low-Level Waste, Mixed Waste, By Product Material, TENORM, NORM Residues, Enriched and Depleted Uranium
Track 4: Nuclear Power Plant Waste Management and On-Site SNF/USF Storage
Track 5: Packaging and Transportation
Track 6: Decontamination & Decommissioning
Track 7: Environmental Remediation
Track 8: Communication, Education, and Training of Technical and Management Issues and Impacts
Track 9: Special Topics and Multi-Track Cross Cutting Technology
Track 10: Leveraging STEM for the Future
Track 11: Advanced Nuclear Reactors for Electrical Power and Other Application
Track 12: Miscellaneous: Unassigned & Late Abstracts, & Non-Paper Posters
Perhaps the topics and breadth of those different tracks might give you a flavor of the types of research there are in nuclear waste.
A good place to start to look into US-funded research might be to look into the Phoenix Waste Management Symposium - that's perhaps the biggest conference collecting US and international waste management research. They organize their program into different technical tracks:
Track 1: Crosscutting Policies and Programs
Track 2: High-Level Radioactive Wastes, Spent Nuclear Fuel/Used Nuclear Fuel, and Long-Lived Alpha/Transuranic Radioactive Waste
Track 3: Low-Level Waste, Intermediate Level Waste, Very Low-Level Waste, Mixed Waste, By Product Material, TENORM, NORM Residues, Enriched and Depleted Uranium
Track 4: Nuclear Power Plant Waste Management and On-Site SNF/USF Storage
Track 5: Packaging and Transportation
Track 6: Decontamination & Decommissioning
Track 7: Environmental Remediation
Track 8: Communication, Education, and Training of Technical and Management Issues and Impacts
Track 9: Special Topics and Multi-Track Cross Cutting Technology
Track 10: Leveraging STEM for the Future
Track 11: Advanced Nuclear Reactors for Electrical Power and Other Application
Track 12: Miscellaneous: Unassigned & Late Abstracts, & Non-Paper Posters
Perhaps the topics and breadth of those different tracks might give you a flavor of the types of research there are in nuclear waste.