1 answer
How long do you go to school to be a chiropractor
#school #chiropractor
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1 answer
Palak’s Answer
Hi Cayden,
It will typically take 8 years after high school to become a chiropractor (4 years for a bachelor's degree, 4 years for chiropractor school)
You may find "The Bureau of Labor Statistics" website to be resourceful: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/mobile/chiropractors.htm#:~:text=Become%20a%20Chiropractor-,Chiropractors%20must%20earn%20a%20Doctor%20of%20Chiropractic%20(D.C.)%20degree%20and,undergraduate%20college%20education%20for%20admission.
It will typically take 8 years after high school to become a chiropractor (4 years for a bachelor's degree, 4 years for chiropractor school)
You may find "The Bureau of Labor Statistics" website to be resourceful: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/healthcare/mobile/chiropractors.htm#:~:text=Become%20a%20Chiropractor-,Chiropractors%20must%20earn%20a%20Doctor%20of%20Chiropractic%20(D.C.)%20degree%20and,undergraduate%20college%20education%20for%20admission.