2 answers
What does one day look like as a zookeeper?
I'm in 8th grade I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us ask questions about the careers we would like to do when we get older. #tech #career #career-development #zookeepers #anyzookeepers
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2 answers
Claire’s Answer
Hi Syndee! I am not a zookeeper, but I would brainstorm how you think a career as a zookeeper intersects with technology. How might a zoo-keeping career look today versus in the the past? How does technology change that, and how might it make a zookeeper's job easier?
You could start by researching a list of a zookeepers main tasks/priorities. Then think about how modern technology helps the zookeeper do their job. Do video cameras help them keep tabs on the animals? How is the zookeeper notified if something needs their attention? How does the zookeeper manage his employees taking care of the animals? What does the zookeeper do to manage the safety of their employees and customers? How does the zookeeper make sure that everyone at the zoo is enjoying their time?
As I mentioned, I have no expertise with zoo-keeping, but I hope this helps you think about how to approach your assignment!
Research zookeeper daily tasks
Summarize day of a zookeeper
Talk about how day of a zookeeper relies on technology (so that your teacher see you connecting to the theme of your class).
You could start by researching a list of a zookeepers main tasks/priorities. Then think about how modern technology helps the zookeeper do their job. Do video cameras help them keep tabs on the animals? How is the zookeeper notified if something needs their attention? How does the zookeeper manage his employees taking care of the animals? What does the zookeeper do to manage the safety of their employees and customers? How does the zookeeper make sure that everyone at the zoo is enjoying their time?
As I mentioned, I have no expertise with zoo-keeping, but I hope this helps you think about how to approach your assignment!
Claire recommends the following next steps:
Rama’s Answer
The morning team meeting. ...
Observing the animals. ...
Cleaning and maintenance. ...
Making sure the animals are fed. ...
Play and enrichment. ...
Guiding visitors. ...
Checking security measures. ...
Staying on call.
Observing the animals. ...
Cleaning and maintenance. ...
Making sure the animals are fed. ...
Play and enrichment. ...
Guiding visitors. ...
Checking security measures. ...
Staying on call.