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What are Liberal Arts colleges? What makes them different from a private/state university?

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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Shinah,

Liberal Arts colleges are institutions of higher education that focus on undergraduate education in the liberal arts and sciences. These colleges place great emphasis on a well-rounded education, with a curriculum that includes courses in humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, mathematics, and the arts. Liberal Arts colleges often prioritize small class sizes, close student-faculty interactions, and a residential campus experience.

In contrast to Liberal Arts colleges, private and state universities offer a broader range of undergraduate and graduate programs. These institutions may have larger student bodies and more diverse academic offerings. While they may also provide opportunities for a liberal arts education, their primary focus is often on professional or specialized fields of study.

The main differences between Liberal Arts colleges and private/state universities lie in their mission statements, academic focus, and student body size. Liberal Arts colleges prioritize a broad-based education that emphasizes critical thinking skills, communication abilities, and cultural literacy. Universities, on the other hand, offer more specialized programs that prepare students for specific careers or advanced study in their chosen field.

It’s important to note that there are exceptions to these generalizations. Some universities offer strong liberal arts programs alongside their professional offerings, while some Liberal Arts colleges may have specialized programs or research initiatives. Ultimately, the choice between a Liberal Arts college and a university depends on an individual’s career goals and educational priorities.

Authoritative References Used:

American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) - “What Are Liberal Education & America’s Promise?”
National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) - “College Navigator: Liberal Arts Colleges”
The Princeton Review - “Types of Colleges & Universities: Understanding the Differences”

God Bless You,
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Hassan’s Answer

Hi Shinah

According to "The main difference between liberal arts college majors and university majors is that liberal arts schools generally offer one expansive area of study, whereas at universities, the same major may be broken into two or more degree tracks." has another ranking

Most of the Liberal Arts colleges are private and likely have higher tuition. They usually have 1/10th the number of students compared to major public Universities.

So you'll have to do the research on which major and type of college makes the most sense for you. has the ranking for IL schools. You may find that a public school will be much more cost effective due to lower in state tuition unless you can get a good scholarship at a Private school.