2 answers
what does it take to become successful
i love sports and it is my life in a way. #life
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2 answers
Jennifer’s Answer
Success can be subjective as in "what does success look like for you?" and remember success can look very different between two people. In general, success will require commitment, at times sacrifice, determination, curiosity and being comfortable with not knowing everything or giving yourself space to be wrong at times. If anything is for certain, it is that life will throw curve balls but do not let that discourage you. Find areas of interest where you can incorporate your love for sports (or any interest). Identify people who you can lean on to coach or mentor you towards personal/professional development. And keep an open mind. The road to success is often not easy or a straight path.
Harshit’s Answer
What it takes to become successful requires a inner sense of confidence, empathy, intelligence, and a bit of luck for say. Life throws many obstacles at you but it's how you navigate around and over or under them that determines the amount of resilience you have to determine success. You have to keep at it at all angles for your love of sports. Get mentors that help you achieve your ultimate goal, go after what you like and simply achieve it! The rewards and recognition just fall in place afterwards.