About choosing best career path
At present I am in 3rd year of B.Tech. I know web development fundamentals, three programming languages and passionate to learn full stack development and have a goal to become full stack developer. But getting confused with some thoughts that whether it will be a good career path or not #career-path . And also my friends are good at so many programming languages but I am not strong at any one programming language completely. Even there are so many career options in computer science field I am confusing everyday which one to choose #career-development. Please advise me which career path to choose and how to build skills to get into it in career.
6 answers
David’s Answer
It's important to put your skills to work. It's great to "learn a language" or 3! But the way to ensure you truly "know" something, is to build it. Once you do this, you will be able to show your work to a company and build a portfolio to show what you can do.
Focus more on identifying what you want to do. Do you want to build software for a particular industry? Try learning about something, maybe e commerce, or gaming. Then try building something. Then learn if that's something you really want to do for a long time. If it is, get a job as an engineer, or maybe an intern, for a company and start building your career.
don't worry, you can always change your mind and try something else. Having the skills of a software engineer are important and hirable in many companies.
David recommends the following next steps:
Jeff’s Answer
2. Comparing yourself with others is one of those things that's inevitable, but generally a thing you should try to avoid doing. There are way more people involved in tech than just super-smart coders that know a million programming languages. There's also plenty of opportunities for good listeners, creatives, empaths, and I'm sure whatever positive traits you might have. At the end of the day most of your job will be interacting with other humans, not solving puzzles.
3. Unfortunately you won't know what a job is like until you're doing it. Sometimes we have the luxury to go in the direction that feels best to us, and sometimes we just have to accept what is available. As long as you stay grounded, patient, and willing to change, given time you'll converge on what you're meant to do.
Dhawal’s Answer
Rahul’s Answer
Samantha’s Answer
Think about your strengths and what you like doing. It seems you are a generalist which is a great place to be, will give you lots of opportunities to move around in a company.
Talk to your tutor to see where they think your skills are. Approach people to help you, the teachers are there to do just that.
Have a look online to see what information is there.