3 answers
abdul’s Answer
Hi Sneha,
Making money through blogging requires a carefully thought out topic. If you have an existing blog with a small audience, be honest when considering whether the topic has broad appeal that isn't already covered by other established bloggers. If it does, great! Otherwise, there's nothing wrong with starting a second blog that will be more successful in attracting an audience, marketing itself, and making money through a variety of methods.
1. Write down every topic that you are knowledgeable or passionate about.
2. Narrow down the topics by reflecting on profitability and other goals.
3. Search for blogs that cover similar topics. Use a search engine and the search bar on blog hosting sites to find blogs that cover your topic or related topic.
4. Test how knowledgeable you are about the topic.
Consider hosting your own blog. If you purchase your own domain name, you will need to pay a hosting service monthly or annual fees to keep your website available. The advantage is greater customization, greater control over how to monetize your blog, and direct access to information on blog traffic for analysis.
•If you aren't familiar with web design, you should have a knowledgeable friend assist you. Self hosted blogs are more easily affected by hackers or by mistakes from inexperienced owners.
•Choose an easy-to-remember domain name, and use (yourname).com when possible if you are an author or other public figure.
Create and customize your blog. If you are using a free service, there should be a tutorial to guide you through the initial steps of setting up your blog, as well as a forum for people to ask questions. If you are hosting your own site, you will need someone with web design experience to customize your blog
Wishing you all the best for the future. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to send them to me.
Linda Ivelise’s Answer
Katie’s Answer
First of all, there are many ways in which to make money by blogging. It is important to create relevant, interesting content to a particular audience. To do this, you need to build your audience by selecting a subject that your are passionate about, network with relevant stakeholders within that subject and build a unique brand to stand out from the crowd.
Making money is not as easy as it is made out to be. It can take many years, a lot of content writing, photos, video making and events to build a solid following. Our advice to you is to get more informed on the subject so that you can make a decision. There are plenty of start courses in blogging you can take to learn more on the subject.