How do I find my career passion?
for my career #doctor #teaching
3 answers
Wael’s Answer
Subramaniyan, I suggest you to take several career tests. Afterwards, research the results of these test and try to find what you might enjoy most. The links below are for several career tests.
bharath’s Answer
Subramaniyan, I would say choose a career which you would love to do, for example if you like art or designing you can become a graphic desginer or interior desginer. so get to know what you love to do and then you can select your career accordingly.
Elaine’s Answer
I agree with the two answers you already received. You can take care tests and see what carriers you would have Ann ability for. Then you have to do some introspection and think about what you would like to do for many years 8 hours a day. Then match up that decision with your career testing results and discuss it all with a career counselor at your school or in private practice. Good luck to you