What country/countries have study abroad programs that are great for Math majors?
It is very difficult to determine what country to study abroad in that will relate to my major. Are there any countries that come to mind when you think "Math major?" #college #career #mathematics #math #college-bound #study-abroad
3 answers
Kate’s Answer
Hi Shakuan,
If you study abroad in a country where you're directly enrolled in a university, you can just take math classes, so any university with a solid math program would work. However, if you want to enroll directly (as opposed to taking classes only with other students studying abroad), you will need to be fairly fluent in the language of the country. So I would just look for study abroad opportunities which are either directly through the university or offer the option of taking classes at the university, considering only countries where you are fluent in the language.
For example, when I studied abroad in Peru (directly enrolled in the university), an American friend of mine was a history major who spoke Spanish fluently. She was able to take several higher level history classes in history.
Finally, I would also suggest you check out the REU program (Research Experience for Undergraduates), through the National Science Foundation. Most of these summer job opportunities are in the United States, but there are some abroad - I went to Mexico to do geography research! If there are any math-focused research opportunities abroad, that could be another way to travel during college.
Good luck! I hope you find somewhere really fun to study abroad!
Yury’s Answer
Dua’s Answer
For me it would be UK but US is great too. But if France works for you then that's great too!