I have completed 10th recently with 87%. i want to learn computer engineering. My cousin referred me to learn IT engineering. What is the difference between IT engineering and computer engineering?
for future learning #computer-science #computer-software #technology #computer-hardware #information #services
47 answers
Mahesh’s Answer
If you want to become a Software Engineer, take IT Engineering or Software Engineering or Computer Science. You can also take Computer Engineering but it will have more of computer hardware related subjects, so won't be totally software. However, you can also become a Software Engineer even if you take Computer Engineering.
No matter what major you take, if you want to become a Software Engineer, focus more on Algorithms and Data structures along with coding.
Good luck!!
Mohamed’s Answer
Both branches are almost same.There is no major diffrence between them.Both branches are having scope in computer field.
The main diffrence is that a computer engineer work with programming and a it engineer work with networking,database.
An other difference is that the computer engineer have the knowledge about hardware as well as software.But IT engineer have only knowledge about software field.so work field are different for both.
But IT engineer can get a job of computer engineer.
If you want to choose any one between both of them than you should choose computer branch.You can have knowlege for both fields like software as well as hardware.
And its depend on your choice and interest.
So all the best
Sanket’s Answer
I guess you are asking difference between IT engineer & Computer Engineer.
You should probably go over this link : http://online.king.edu/information-technology/difference-between-a-computer-science-information-technology-degree/
Since this question was asked from India, I will give more specific answer to Indian students.
In India colleges offer either Computer science or Computer engineering. There isn't much difference between those two since only one of them is offered by each college.
IT engineering deals mostly with applications of computer and there is quite a lot of overlap with Computer engineering.
Computer engineering/Computer science engineering is a core branch and so learning that will help you adopt to anything related to computer including IT jobs. So if you have choice of getting admitted to both IT & Computer then you should probably study computer engineering.
Gail’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
I don't think there is a difference but the standard term is software engineer or computer engineer.
Good luck!
Sathish’s Answer
Both B.E CSE and IT almost has the same papers every semester. The difference is that in IT you will learn few subjects which are aligned more to Multimedia, software lifecycle, operations research whereas CSC will be more aligned purely to programming. The current industry standards is that even if you do engineering on other streams, an average engineer will end up mainly in IT or ITES.
Sneha’s Answer
Degree really makes no difference. It is your dedication, eagerness to learn and adopt to new skills/technologies along with hard work which you will help you grow and sustain in IT

Shagoon Nayyar
Shagoon’s Answer
Hello Rishi,
Honestly, computer engineering and IT are similar. There are very few differences and that too is very college/university specific.
Some colleges in India, only use the naming convention to segregate students based on their cut-offs and ranks. Also, a lot of colleges offer same curriculum to both the courses.
From professional point of view, IT is very application specific and CS is computing specific. If you aspire to get into research/computing then CSE would be better but if you want to pursue CS but minimal requirement of the know-hows of the science take IT.
Programming, algorithms, theory of computation, these are few subjects that you have to go through, no matter which branch you take.
The difference will only come in the optional/hardware specific subjects.
- There are a lot of similar questions on quora, and these are really comprehensive ones: https://www.quora.com/Which-branch-is-better-CSE-or-IT
- https://www.quora.com/What-is-the-difference-between-CSE-and-IT-engg
Hope this helps!!
Krishna’s Answer
Both deal with computer and software. In both you will have to learn core programming. The major difference is that in IT engineering you will study more of applications related to computer and in Computer Science engineering you will study almost everything you study in IT engineering and in addition to that you will study about hardware too. If you look forward to becoming a programmer, you can choose any of those. But if you want to get into hardware field, I suggest you get into Computer Science engineering. All the best Rishi.
Chris’s Answer
Basically this...
IT Engineering is software engineering which is advanced programming.
If you like writing code, go the Software Engineer route.
Computer engineering is circuit design which can involve software but only for applications for the hardware.
If you like mazes, puzzles and math, go this route.
Both majors can work together and make amazing things... like artificially intelligent robots.
Dennis’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
As many people here have mentioned the term, Engineering, is a general field of study. The field, Engineering, has many branches - just like how Science has many branches such as Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.
With this in mind, there are many types of Engineering that you can study in like Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Software Engineering, and many more. Computer Engineering is a great field to be in where you will be able to create both hardware and software products, using both code, computer circuits and chips.
Do you have any particular questions about Computer Engineering?
G. Mark’s Answer
I was a computer engineer for about 30 years. My opinion is that IT folks know how to use computers. Computer Engineers know how to make them as well. These are generalizations, but that tends to be the case. In all the studying I've done for IT type subjects, I've learned how to put networks together, get a server back up and running, fix application updates, organize data, etc.. In my MSEE/CE degree, I studied electronics, computer architecture, operating system design, AI and building systems. In my career, I've been asked to build entire systems and networks and proof-of-concept hardware and software products. I've relied on IT folks to help me with that. They're very related and studying each gives you insight into the others. They overlap quite a bit, and you'll find folks in each like to learn about what's in the other that's not necessarily in their own wheelhouse.
Rammesh’s Answer
Rawal’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
CS Engineering includes software development or Web programming and Designing whereas IT Engineering involves maintaining infrastructure, installing internal networks(LAN, VPN) and computer systems and perhaps programming
Good Luck!
Nidheesh’s Answer
Hardik’s Answer
abhi’s Answer
no there is none. CE is just a branch of engineering.

Sharmin Nooruddin
Sharmin’s Answer
Well I had the same question when I was at your age .
The major difference is Computer Engineering covers more of the Hardware studies whereas IT Engineering has a lot of management related subjects so say if you are targeting in becoming a software developer or into core computer R&D segment as in more into Technical grounds better go with the Computer Engineering but if you want to study computer and then land up in IT sales or IT services etc then better do an IT Engineering
Satish’s Answer
Sharmistha’s Answer
There is not much difference; as to how people usually relate to these two. Computer Engineering is more related to software & programming including some hardware knowledge where as IT engineering refers to overall engineering courses.
Arun’s Answer
Broadly speaking computer engineering focuses on hardware development, computer science focuses on software development, and IT focuses on running production systems that somebody else has built. Computer science and computer engineering are more technical degrees and are usually seen as higher value
Suman Deva’s Answer
Hello Rishi,
This is an excellent choice
If you are interested in programming, then computer science is the right way to go for it!
For anything else, like networking, business oriented etc. IT
Computer engineering usually refers to actually programming or designing hardware whereas IT is just maintaining and setting up computer systems. IT tasks range from helping people print and use their computer to managing mail servers for a company
Broadly speaking computer engineering focuses on hardware development, computer science focuses on software development, and IT focuses on running production systems that somebody else has built. Computer science and computer engineering are more technical degrees and are usually seen as higher value
Chaitra’s Answer
Cenk’s Answer
Please check below link which I believe giving good information.
"IT professionals should enjoy installing computer systems, using software and maintaining networks and databases, while computer scientists should enjoy mathematics and software design. In general, the relationship between information technology and computer science is quite close and interdependent."
Uday Rao’s Answer
Pradeep’s Answer
Basic difference between IT & Computer Science is that IT Engineering deals with Software only like programming , Software development etc but Computer Science deals with both Hardware and Software like How Computer boots ,what is storage device and different kind of media .
Computer Science Engineering is better than IT . Focus on programming languages so that you able to understand latest technology like Automation, block chain , Analytics , Machine Learning .
Birbal’s Answer
Hey Rishi,
After passing your 10th standard you first goal is to clear 12th and while pursuing 12th please go for some computer hardware and networking training, that will really boost up your career and after clearing your 12th you can go ahead for engineering the stream should be IT or computers.
Anuj’s Answer
If you are interested in programming(in different languages ) go for computer engineering, if you are interested in networking, how do computer interacts with one another and it has then go for IT.
Rohan’s Answer
There is no difference between "Computer Science Engineering" and "Information Technology". Once you get into industry nobody will bother whether you are a B.Tech in CSE/IT or MCA/M.Sc.
Sammy’s Answer
The difference between computer engineering and IT engineering is that computer is mainly on architecture and program language while IT is to resolve business issues with computer application. Hope this explains.
Richard’s Answer
Both the fields are the same. It depends on the college you are going to enrol. The computer engineering is more towards the software and might include the recent AI/ML topics.
IT engineering would cover the hardware part also. Like managing the entire IT infrastructure and data.
Richard recommends the following next steps:
Suresh’s Answer
nformation technology consists computer programming languages,web designing and communication....In computer engineering there is no communication part but it includes architecture and operating systems
Sudhakar’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
Computer engineering is there from a long time and IT engineering is a new subject compared to computer engineering .
Computer engineers are responsible for the research, design and development of computer equipment like circuit boards, microchips, routers, video cards, etc . Computer engineers often deal with hardware-to-software integration, meaning they have to design and build processors and hardware that can support a given program.
IT engineering is more into Information management (storage and retrieving). To put it in simple words, whatever the computer engineers build those things will be managed by the IT engineers . IT engineers troubleshoot and manage the things built by computer engineers.
You can check the below link and it has what subjects you will study in each semester.
For IT engineering refer to the link below.
For computer engineering refer to the link below.
Himanshu’s Answer
Hello, you are from India so I will give you answer according to Indian Technical Education System. IT engineering deals mostly with applications of computer and there is quite a lot of similarity with Computer Engineering or Computer Science.
Computer engineering/Computer science engineering is a core branch and have more syllabus covering programming languages where as IT covers programming and hardwares. So if you have choice of getting admitted to both IT & Computer Engg. then you should probably study computer engineering. Getting a IT job is based on individual command upon several technologies irrespective of degree you hold as IT Engg or CSE/CE.

vineet Selvaraj
vineet’s Answer
If you want to become a Software Engineer, take IT Engineering or Software Engineering or Computer Science. You can also take Computer Engineering but it will have more of computer hardware related subjects, so won't be totally software. However, you can also become a Software Engineer even if you take Computer Engineering.
Jay’s Answer

Sumit Sinha
Sumit’s Answer
Engineering is a platform , there are different branches which id part of engineering .
if you want to go for computer engineering you can go , or else Electronic and communication , Information technology is also similar type of branches where you can try your chances .
Apart of that if you are not interested in IT or electronics field , you can try it for auto mobile or civil and Instrumentation Engineering also.
I hope this information will help you.
parikshith’s Answer
don't think there is a difference but the standard term is software engineer or computer engineer.
Deep’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
Pick any stream that you like, as per statistics above 60% of the people cannot get a job in their specialisation.
Also, IT is changing dynamically, Just Software Engineering is not IT. IT has the following streams :
1) System Engineering
2) Software Development
3) Testing
4) Network Engineering
5) Cloud
6) Infra support
Each filed have their specific specialisation. I graduated in CSE BE, had a inclination of doing Software programming with interest in C C++ Java
Ended up being in a call centre due to recession in 2007.
Worked my way up in Network engineering and Cleared my CCIE .
So, don't get stressed just have a goal in mind and have a tendency to learn new stuff.
There are set backs in life and you should adapt, improvise and move forward.
Rakshika’s Answer
You can look up the courses that the colleges offer and choose the steam where your interests match the most.
From placement perspective, most companies extend the same job offer to students from both the streams.
lohith’s Answer
There is not a huge difference between the IT & computer engineering.In a laymans language we can say that information technology is the latest version of computer science.
But to make it more clear we can say that IT includes Networking, Database, web and programming languages etc.where as in CS the main concentration is on Programming languages and Architecture and design.
The basic difference is that computer science is a core branch & IT a specialized branch
IT professionals are software professionals who are expertise for automation.

sanjit parida
sanjit’s Answer
Hi Rishi,
Greetings !!
Since the question is related to difference between the two branches that you mentioned and which one is to adopt for your future growth, I will put some suggestions on this.
As you have just completed your 10th now with very good percentage, I am sure you would be studying hard to get good knowledge and marks in 12th also.
After 12th, you can pursue either Computer Engineering/ Computer Science Engineering or IT engineering, because they are almost 80-85% same as per course syllabus.
1. Computer engineering or Computer Science engineering deals with design, implementation, and management of information system of both software & hardware processes. It integrates several disciplines such as Information Technology, Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Software Design, Mathematics etc. The engineers are mainly involved in the development of software and hardware systems. It opens the door for the engineers to become as a Product Design Engineer/ Cyber security Engineer/ Software Development Engineer/Application Development Engineer/ IT hardware engineer/ Network Engineer/ Indian Defence jobs/ IB Officer/ Professors or etc.
- IT engineering or Information Technology engineering basically integrates to software engineering, hardware engineering, integration of hardware and software or validation and verification of hardware and software components. Maximum IT engineers in India basically focus their careers only on Software or Networking jobs.
Talent and knowledge does not stop anybody to work in anything. You just have to set a future goal, and can take any course and focus on your studies. Once you complete your graduation, you can see various opportunities for you waiting outside.
All the best and good luck !!
Raj’s Answer
"IT engineer is expected to be able to perform include designing system configuration, directing system installation, enforcing system standards, designing and implementing new solutions, maximizing network performance, troubleshooting network problems, securing network systems, and configuring routing/switching equipment and hosted IP voice services."
To give an example, they are responsible for the IT infrastructure for business so from routers, wifi, hardware infrastructure, employee software, and hardware issues, etc anything from an IT side.
Computer Engineering is vastly different, in college you learn both the hardware (electronic engineering) and software (computer science) parts of those fields. It is a very demanding degree but very much worth it in the end. You can apply your skillset to both hardware and software or either one in your career. I graduated as a computer engineer but only do software in my career but the knowledge I gained in college and the ability learned to solve problems in both the hardware and software field I believe has made me a better engineer as opposed to if I were only graduate in computer science.
I would recommend Computer Engineering over IT engineering as there are many more opportunities you will find in your career.
Rajyeswar’s Answer
In India, from a career point of view, an engineering degree (BE/BTech/BSc(Engg.)) in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, Computer Science and Technology, Information Technology, or Master in Computer Applications (MCA) after a BSc degree - all are same. There may be differences in a handful of courses - that is just to give an impression that these streams are different - not really. That differences are anyway there even in the same stream (say, Computer Science and Engineering) across universities - there are some core courses (say, Data Structures, Algorithms, Database Systems, Digital Logic) that every university teaches in all these streams; beside that the universities keep some differences in other courses to show their degree is quite unique. Yes, from absolute academic point of view there are differences between Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Information Technology (Wikipedia can explain). But career wise all land up in same destination - primarily IT industry (all type of IT work - analysis, design, development, test, administration, management, maintenance, enhancement, architecture), some go to Electronics / Communication industry, some go to higher studies or research, some join academic. Whoever makes exceptional contributions, that's his/her individual credit. Initially there was only Computer Science / Computer Science and Engineering degrees. During 90s the demand for Computer Science graduates increased too much. Now in a class maximum 50-60 students can be accommodated. So to fulfill this high demand the universities started additional degrees with separate names Information Technology, MCA, etc. Even BSc/MSc in Computer Science, BCA, etc. got started. However, if a student aspires to pursue education in Computer Science, the trend is to first go for an engineering degree in Computer Science and Engineering; if the seats are full then he/she opts for Information Technology. By the way, since you have just completed 10th, the first thing is to complete 12th in Science (I think I had not to tell this).
Imad’s Answer
Hi Rishi, I wish you good luck on your journey to learn and grow. To answer your question, Computer Engineering is more theoretical and goes through the fundamentals of computation, logic, power usage, information...etc Or in other words, who do things work?
On the other hand, IT Engineering is very similar to Systems Engineering: you are operating at a higher level, and focus on how to connect the pieces and make them work for a desired result. In other words, how to make things work?
At your age you shouldn't be concerned with these definitions, and you should just focus on learning and absorbing as much information as you can; in the long run, it's all the same.
Vidhi’s Answer
rajat’s Answer
The major difference is Computer Engineering covers more of the Hardware studies whereas IT Engineering covers computer programming languages and web designing.So If you want to become a Software Engineer, take IT Engineering or Software Engineering or Computer Science. You can also take Computer Engineering but it will have more of computer hardware related subjects, so won't be totally software. However, you can also become a Software Engineer even if you take Computer Engineering.
Pradeep’s Answer
i just answered someone similar question.. the question would come back to you.. what do you want to do in life ? if you want to do computer engineering - why are you getting distracted by what your cousin says ? it all boils down to what you want do in life and what work / field makes you happy.
while its a known fact for most of us that, despite studying X, we always end up working for Y for one or the other reason, plan things very well. if you are good @ X, then pursue X and dont get distracted by others influence
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