6 answers
6 answers
Kay’s Answer
Many bigger and definitely the most innovative companies out there are constantly looking for (young) talent. Many schools provide help to get into internships. My advice: don't apply with any company just because their reputation or current success. Make sure you understand your own objectives, your values and your skills. What are you looking for in an employer and what are the goals you want to achieve? Try to think of it as a win-win scenario, if things work out as planned. Does the company have a pre-defined career path for entry-level employees? Make sure you have a chance to ask your questions, and before that - make sure you make your homework.
Caryn’s Answer
Hi Jennifer,
I hope you are well. I see you have received some great advice already from the prior responders. I think an internship is a great way to get involved with a larger company, but they are sometimes hard to come by.
Another route would be to take some time to understand who is in your targeted company's ecosystem and perhaps you can start doing work with one of those partners to try and build your brand. Finally, most companies have a sustainability /green initiatives and "community" lines of business within their company; perhaps you could target any volunteer work you do with the organizations they partner with to again try and grow your network of contacts that are tied to the company you want to work for...... Happy to dive in deeper if you want me to elaborate.
Thank you,
I hope you are well. I see you have received some great advice already from the prior responders. I think an internship is a great way to get involved with a larger company, but they are sometimes hard to come by.
Another route would be to take some time to understand who is in your targeted company's ecosystem and perhaps you can start doing work with one of those partners to try and build your brand. Finally, most companies have a sustainability /green initiatives and "community" lines of business within their company; perhaps you could target any volunteer work you do with the organizations they partner with to again try and grow your network of contacts that are tied to the company you want to work for...... Happy to dive in deeper if you want me to elaborate.
Thank you,
Simeon’s Answer
A lot of how you can make contact with larger organizations is by offering to do free work for them, such as making a piece of marketing for their social media presence. This would be more successful with smaller companies, but if you can get a response this way, you can build a portfolio of good work and work on having some contacts within the company.
The most sure-fire way to get into a large company, though, is to get into one of their internships. It's extremely easy to translate an internship into a longer term paid position once you've earned their trust.
The most sure-fire way to get into a large company, though, is to get into one of their internships. It's extremely easy to translate an internship into a longer term paid position once you've earned their trust.
Chris’s Answer
Look for internships posted on company websites and apply. If you are still in high school, any work experience is good even if its not with your dream company. That work experience can help you get the college internship....
Also remember that companies post their summer internships starting in September for the following summer so don't delay.
Also remember that companies post their summer internships starting in September for the following summer so don't delay.

stephanie’s Answer
I agree with the comments from the others for sure. Makes sense to gain an internship with the organization to become familiar with how they do business and how you can contribute to their mission. I would also suggest creating a profile on LinkedIn and make connections with individuals at that company to begin networking with their leadership group.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Sam’s Answer
I would agree with a lot of the responses you have already received and truly identifying the businesses you would like to be associated with and look for internships on their company websites and apply.