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is it difficult to become a mathematician?

Im kind of good at math. # #math

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Scott’s Answer

I would have to say becoming a mathematician is rather difficult. It is definitely possible, though. I know I started to struggle a bit once I started taking courses in numerical methods, but for some people it came rather easily. You can do anything if you have enough drive.
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Akshita’s Answer

Hi Alan, I believe nothing is difficult if you have the passion for it and work hard to achieve it. If you like math and believe that you can choose that as a career choice, then you should definitely go for it.
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Rowena’s Answer

Nothing is difficult if you have passion and interest to your venture. In real world, there is no easiest subject objectively. Everyone has different weaknesses and strength when it comes to studying, learning and academics. Set the goals and find efforts to achieve your dreams.

Good luck and wish you all the best.
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Andrew’s Answer

Mathematics is probably one of the few very difficult disciplines we encountered in college. I am saying this not to discourage any students from going into mathematics, but as a friendly warning in advance.

It is good that a student in K-12 find himself/herself good in mathematics. However, we should bear in mind that mathematics is a language, an official language of science. In K through 12, students are exposed to the proper grammar and syntax of the mathematical language. Freshmen and sophomores in colleges will develop additional competency and proficiency of the language before they have a first taste of mathematics in their junior and senior years. Once you get there, you will experience the beauty of mathematics and its potential applications in a wide area of sciences.

Lastly, the question if it is difficult to become a mathematician is not a proper one. If we have a passion on anything, we will be willing to make the necessary sacrifice to fulfil our dream. It is difficult to succeed in any enterprise, but that should not stop us from trying. Therefore, it you want to be a mathematician, take the appropriate courses in school now that will prepare you for a major in mathematics in college.

By the way, as a disclaimer, I am NOT a mathematician. I am a physicist. All my degrees are in physics. Nonetheless, in order to be in physics, mathematics is probably my first language.
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