3 answers
How should i Stay focused when in a marketing class?
#classes # #high-school-classes
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3 answers
Matthew’s Answer
Be mindful, in any class it is easy to become distracted. Try thinking about the subject being discussed during the class in terms of how you would apply it to the career you're aspiring to have. Also, when in doubt, ask questions. It's easier to stay focused when you're taking part in the lesson.
Denise’s Answer
Depending on the type of marketing class it is - picture yourself as the consumer. How can the marketing you are learning solve problems for that customer type!
Brandon’s Answer
I would say the easiest way to stay focused in any class is to apply whatever the material may be to your own aspiring career. When you are not interested in a certain subject and drift off, it may be harder to for you to comprehend any information as the class progresses. Staying engaged in the classroom helps with your mindset as well. When you provide your own input and ask questions, you are training your mind to focus on the topic at hand and gives you more lead way to understand the information.