What types of continued education do physician assistants have to complete in order to maintain their license?
I am a current senior in high school (class of 2014) and I really want to be a physician assistant. I have read that physicians assistant need about 100 hours of continued education every two years after earning their license. I, however, don't exactly understand what type of education this is or what it is like. #healthcare #graduate-school #physician #health-education #licensing
1 answer

Alyx Campbell
Alyx’s Answer
Hi Spencer,
Great question! I don't have much experience with physician assistant careers, but I found some information for you that might be helpful.
Visit www.aapa.org for some basic information about becoming a physician assistant. The best information I could find about the continuing education was at http://www.aapa.org/cme/requirements.aspx and http://www.nccpa.net/ContinuingMedicalEducation.
Lots of times hospitals will host conferences or seminars and PAs and other medical professionals will log hours by attending.