Is a better choice to graduate in a school with a biotechnology program or a school that has just a biology major and concentration in Biotech
Am a junior college student majoring in Biotechnology. Am asking my question because I want to make a better choice for my degree #tech #marine-biology #biotechnology #laboratory #forensic-analysis
3 answers
Tyler’s Answer
I'd recommend majoring in biotechnology. Careers in pure biology are limited, but careers in technology with biological applications are limitless.
Uday’s Answer
It depends on what research idea you are pursuing. Biology doesn't deal with processing techniques or manufacturing strategies. Biotechnology on the other hand involves engineering principles incorporated into the course ( such as genetic engineering, bio-process manufacturing, bioreactors, producing primary and secondary metabolites ( protein and enzymes ). So if you like engineering i would suggest for Biotechnology program. While Biology major with concentration in biotech would mostly deal with basic science research. evaluate on your career path and choose wisely. For more specific answers , you can always contact me. Wish you good luck and hope you find the program of your interest.
Herman’s Answer
I don't think it makes a very big difference. I personally got a biochemistry degree, and I work in the biotechnology industry. I know people just like me with a regular biology degree working in this industry as well. Surprinsgly, I don't see very many biotechnology majors around.