16 answers
With homework is it a good idea to do it right away or to give myself some relaxation time?
I have been wondering if I should do my homework right away or to give myself a few hours to wind down from the school day. #school #homework
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16 answers
Doc’s Answer
Madison the place as well as the time you select to study matters most. Everyone has their own idea regarding the best place and time to study. For few students, it’s bedroom during the night or the library after lectures better place to study. This may differ for every student. You should find a study space as well as a regular study time that will work better for you. Some students feel comfortable studying in the morning while others prefer night-time. You should work out which time suits you and then plan accordingly. You should not study much later than your usual bedtime which will make you tired to study.
You should keep aside certain hours of each day for study just like you do for sleep and nourishment. You should prepare a schedule for your studies and stick to it. While preparing a schedule to keep several factors in mind such as the schedule should be achievable, more time for the difficult subject and less time for easy subjects. The amount of time required for study differs from student-to-student. It completely depends on your individual skills and your ability to grasp concepts. Some students can study for three to four hours continuously without any break whereas some student finds it difficult to study even for an hour. An average of three hours of study every day is recommended. Spending an two or three every day is better than studying one 12-hour marathon a day before exam since this avoid last-minute cramming. If you study a little bit every day then you will be continuously reviewing concepts in your mind. Effective study habits This helps you understand things. It also helps in remembering things for long-term. Studying every day can help you avoid the stress of last-minute pressure.
Hope this helps Madison
TAKE GOOD NOTES – Taking good notes involves dating each entry and keeping notes for different classes separate from each other. In addition, write down anything your instructor writes on the board. If the instructor took the time to write it out, he or she considers it important.
REVIEW YOUR NOTES EVERY DAY – Spend 30 minutes each evening going over notes from each class. Research shows that reviewing new material within 24 hours after hearing it increases your retention of that material significantly. In addition, reviewing material before the next class period allows you to identify points of confusion which will prepare you to ask the questions you need to ask before the next class.
PEAK STUDY TIME – Study when you are at your peak, when you are more awake and alert and able to absorb new information. If you are a morning person, your best study time is in the morning. If you are an evening person, study at night. If you cannot find time to study at your peak time, try to study when you are feeling relatively awake and alert.
You should keep aside certain hours of each day for study just like you do for sleep and nourishment. You should prepare a schedule for your studies and stick to it. While preparing a schedule to keep several factors in mind such as the schedule should be achievable, more time for the difficult subject and less time for easy subjects. The amount of time required for study differs from student-to-student. It completely depends on your individual skills and your ability to grasp concepts. Some students can study for three to four hours continuously without any break whereas some student finds it difficult to study even for an hour. An average of three hours of study every day is recommended. Spending an two or three every day is better than studying one 12-hour marathon a day before exam since this avoid last-minute cramming. If you study a little bit every day then you will be continuously reviewing concepts in your mind. Effective study habits This helps you understand things. It also helps in remembering things for long-term. Studying every day can help you avoid the stress of last-minute pressure.
Hope this helps Madison
Doc recommends the following next steps:
Ken’s Answer
I think when to do homework is not one answer for everyone. I think if you are the type of person who does best when things are the freshest in your mind, then doing homework as quickly as possible would be best. If you do better when you have had time to relax and clear your mind then take a break after school and then start your homework. Having a schedule lined out is a good thing to do. This way you are not scrambling to do homework at the last minute.
Best of luck.
Best of luck.
mohamed’s Answer
do it right away to maintain the data you learned
Vaishnavi’s Answer
Depends on the type of homework! Homework which requires research should be given learning time and research time.
Homework which is quick and easy and reflects what you learned today should be completed immediately.
remember carrying over homework only means more work for later :)
Homework which is quick and easy and reflects what you learned today should be completed immediately.
remember carrying over homework only means more work for later :)
Sheila’s Answer
Hi Madison:
As others have already shared some great advice I'd like to give you a different perspective for your consideration. I would get homework completed first during your spare time. That way, if anything should come up (e.g., you get sick, want to hang out with friends, etc) your homework is done and, you have leisure time back. It's one less thing to worry about. Best of luck to you!
~ Sheila
As others have already shared some great advice I'd like to give you a different perspective for your consideration. I would get homework completed first during your spare time. That way, if anything should come up (e.g., you get sick, want to hang out with friends, etc) your homework is done and, you have leisure time back. It's one less thing to worry about. Best of luck to you!
~ Sheila
Will’s Answer
It is a good idea to find a healthy balance between doing homework and working on your mental health. You absolutely do not have to complete your homework as soon as it is assigned to you, but you do not want to procrastinate either. Try to take time to do the things that you enjoy so you are less stressed and are able to work more effectively. If you do a little bit of your work every day it could make your work load seem less demanding.
Nathan’s Answer
I personally set dates to do my homework. Certain days I will complete an entire class of homework depending on the workload for that class that week. I think it is in your best interest to be able to set certain days for certain classes and spread it out so you aren't stressing all week about the load of homework you have due Sunday night.
Doan’s Answer
It depends on several factors:
* Your energy level after school vs later. You should evaluate under which conditions gives you the better energy for studying. You don't want to be too amped up that you can't focus but you don't want to be too tired either.
* The subject -- If it is an easy subject matter, then you can get it done earlier and move on with your day. If it requires more effort, then you may want to clear out other items off your plate so you can divert the right amount of focus to the topic.
Those things being said, try to be consistent where possible so you can setup a good routine.
* Your energy level after school vs later. You should evaluate under which conditions gives you the better energy for studying. You don't want to be too amped up that you can't focus but you don't want to be too tired either.
* The subject -- If it is an easy subject matter, then you can get it done earlier and move on with your day. If it requires more effort, then you may want to clear out other items off your plate so you can divert the right amount of focus to the topic.
Those things being said, try to be consistent where possible so you can setup a good routine.
Dawn’s Answer
In my opinion, it is best to complete your homework at your earliest convenience, because of the following:
1. Most students probably want to complete and check this assignment off their list.
2. Another reason it might be a good idea to complete the homework soon after the lesson because this will give the student an opportunity to review the material again and update notes taken in class. The human brain forgets newly learned knowledge quickly if not reinforced over the next few hours or days after learning it. When you have time also look up "THE CURVE OF FORGETTING".
1. Most students probably want to complete and check this assignment off their list.
2. Another reason it might be a good idea to complete the homework soon after the lesson because this will give the student an opportunity to review the material again and update notes taken in class. The human brain forgets newly learned knowledge quickly if not reinforced over the next few hours or days after learning it. When you have time also look up "THE CURVE OF FORGETTING".
rakesh’s Answer
Hi Madison,
It depends on your study style. I would suggest you try doing homework right after school because the lesson materials are still fresh in your head. But if you're a night owl like my daughter then before bed might be the best time (beware though as you may have dreams (or nightmares) about your homework!)
It depends on your study style. I would suggest you try doing homework right after school because the lesson materials are still fresh in your head. But if you're a night owl like my daughter then before bed might be the best time (beware though as you may have dreams (or nightmares) about your homework!)
Volunteer’s Answer
If you are in high school, it is best to complete daily homework in time so that you can arrange the rest of your time. If it is the holidays and there is a lot of homework, you can find a set time to do it and other activities can be done at other times,If you feel tired while doing your homework, take a moment to relax with a cup of coffee
Brekkin’s Answer
Great question! I think this is different for everyone. I personally would get my homework done asap, causing me more relaxation later and not having to worry about doing it anymore! But if you need a mental break to help you perform better on your homework that is perfectly fine as well, as long as you do end up doing it later :). I think when you associate your habits that you do in school with a career later in life it would be more beneficial to get your work done first and not put it off, this will go a long way when you enter the work force.
Samantha’s Answer
I would just get your homework out of the way first. That way once its done u can relax as much as you want.
Mirna’s Answer
After a full day of school and work, it can be hard to find the energy to study and prepare for future tests and exams.. as a Mum, I give my son free time before he starts studying. The free time will boost his energy and he will be fully concentrated on his studies. when his energy is low, he hardly can focus on finishing his assignments. for example, Try studying for 30 minutes then having a break for 15 min and you may try having a schedule or homework plan so assignments will be much easier for you.
Cameron’s Answer
I think the answer depends on you, your work style, and your schedule. When I was in high school, I would usually come home and eat a quick snack for 15-30 minutes before starting my homework. If I had an after-school commitment, then I would start my homework later, but I generally liked to get my work done before hanging out with my friends, watching TV, or relaxing. However, others I know would start their homework later in the evening after relaxing and eating dinner.
Gregg’s Answer
When I was in school, I could not relax until my all my homework was done. If you think that applies to you, then you might as well do it when you get home. If not, relax, enjoy the outdoors after school and do you homework when you get back inside. The outdoor time is worth it!