1 answer
Would becoming a nurse before applying to Med school be a good choice, to gain experience and learn more about the career?
I'm debating whether to go straight in for a Biology undergrad to get into Medical School, or if I should get my RN first, then go back to get my biology undergrad. #doctor #professor #nurse #professional
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WILL’s Answer
You're question is difficult to answer as there's many important [and personal] factors that need to be considered before advising. Perhaps look at your education [and the path you take] as a series of investments you make [i.e. tuition $$] in hopes of getting a return [i.e. income from an employer] later in life. And remember there's many paths that you can take but deliver you to the same goal/career. If you enjoy school and the process of learning and have financial resources at your disposal, then perhaps a long education path is right for you. If financial resources are lean and you're footing your entire tuition yourself, perhaps a mid-career such as a RN is right for you. Or if you have time leaning against you and fast tracking through the process of learning so you can make an income is most important, then perhaps go straight into your Biology studies so you can graduate and land a job in your chosen field.