What has your career done to help change your life for good? For the worse?
This is what I believe is crucial when choosing a career. Doing a job that pays a lot that you hate might not be as good as doing a job you love with lesser pay, and the way your career affects your life is a huge element to your overall drive and mindset. #career-choice #career-path #experience #public-relations #decision-making #emotional #interactions #observational
4 answers
Jessica’s Answer
Eduardo what a great question! It took me a while to find a career that I loved (I became a Software Engineer at 30 years old). My career has helped me feel empowered and changed me in ways I could never imagine, and it has also kept me from exploring some of my other interests (for instance I have a deep love of music and dance, which I do for fun in my free time). My point is, there are often many career paths that will make you happy. Finding what brings you joy involves trying things out, even trying out things you would have never considered before.
Jessica recommends the following next steps:
Elaine’s Answer
I was a teacher as I felt it was the most noble profession. What better way to help make the world a better place than teaching young students about life and the world. I agree with you that money does not being happiness only makes life easier. My life had been exciting seeing the lightning go of in children's eyes, I feel I have made some small, hopefully positive impact on the world, and who knows maybe one of these kids will find cues for diseases, how to solve world problems,etc. Teaching young children had kept me young always being part of a generation of generations younger than me. How had it made my life worse...no way really,MN except for the fact that I am frustrated that we don't teach as much history as we once did and many of our young people have no idea of the trials and tribulations people before them went through to get them the opportunities they have and take for pageants.....like civil rights,women's rights, gay rights, voting rights,etc. When you love your career you are sharper more fulfilled person which then helps to make your personal life and personal relationships much more positive. The smile on your face is much better than the frown those unhappy people wear all the time. I love your thinking. Good luck to you
Devin’s Answer
Hey Eduardo,
The best thing I ever did for my career was CHANGE IT.
I felt very 'trapped' in my old career and felt that I had invested so much that there is no turning back. You are never too late to change your career to something you are passionate about. Maybe it is a different field of work, or maybe the focus of your work changes. Maybe you want to do something that has a more positive impact on the world. Whatever it is that you feel you will find happiness and accomplishment in is worth trying to make a career out of.

Barb Gam Tagge
Barb’s Answer
You are asking all the right questions. Stay aware, take advantage of the experiences of those around you and you'll fly. Good luck!