3 answers
Anup’s Answer
Engineering is a career where one gets various kinds of rewards with every perspective. Due to this reason, it is called as a productive profession which shows you the results that are required for a successful future or profession. It is seen that a higher rate of students are opting for engineering as their career, and due to this reason the demand of engineering coaching is rising day by day. You can explore about Engineering Coaching at http://elixir-india.com/Home.aspx along with that here you can even get to know about the other perspectives of engineering which benefits the career of a student.
There are numerous benefits of being an Engineer, and some of them are mentioned hereby:
This profession is creative and thus it requires innovative ideas that can be used in developing different applications.
When you attain higher degrees and then do the job of the same profession as you wanted to it always makes you feel happy and motivates you to work even harder. That what engineering gives you job satisfaction.
It provides you variation in opting for the specific kind of engineering profession as you want or always desired.
The work in engineering field is challenging which generates interest in doing work.
It helps you in developing the intellectual.
It not only gives benefit to the engineer or its field but it also somehow benefits the society.
As the salary packages of engineers are higher, it provides financial security.
No doubt, being an engineer is a prestigious thing. It gives you a higher status.
Comes with highly professional environment.
Gives a chance of doing technical inventions.
Peter’s Answer
A lengthy article could be written about the benefits of engineering. I will summarize a few of them for you.
Addressing challenging problems that face Society today and coming up with cost-effective solutions
Reducing/eliminating environmental pollution
Developing safe, efficient transportation
Assuring clean, plentiful water supply to cities and agriculture
Developing solutions to reduce climate change effects
Developing the next Big Thing in computer sciences
Being in the forefront of space exploration
Help improve living standards in a rural or Third World community
I could go one and on. Engineers provide the knowledge and practical solutions that improve our everyday living standards. That ability to Contribute gives most Engineers another great asset: the feeling of worth and great professional accomplishment. Even in retirement, I continue to contribute my engineering expertise to improve living conditions in rural, overseas villages through a group known as Engineers without Borders. I encourage you to pursue this most worthwhile Field.
Good luck, Pete Sturtevant, PE
Simon’s Answer
Engineering offers a variety of occupations and field from electrical, civil and mechanical to specialties such as mining, automotive and aerospace. With a mechanical degree (like several of the other general degrees) you can work in a variety of area from specialty parts to project engineering in the chemical industry. Engineers historically pay well. With the problem solving skills you learn, along with management skills, you can manage groups of engineers or even be a manager of non engineering departments such as operations.
I hope this helps. Good luck