What are the differences between a computer science and a computer engineering degree in regards to careers?
I am having trouble choosing between a computer science and a computer engineering degree. I understand the difference is a few classes. Yet what are the differences in opportunity between the two? #engineering #computer-engineering #computers #computerscience
3 answers
Josh’s Answer
In very broad terms, Computer Engineering is about hardware, and Computer Science is about software. Each cannot exist without the other, and the coursework will overlap heavily, but the focus is different. Do you want to build processors, logic circuits, and feedback loops? That's computer engineering. Do you want to understand logic, learn about how to make those processors really dance, and layer software on top of all that hardware? That's computer science.
Really, either of these two degrees (and others) opens you up to major sections of the design, technology, and consulting job markets. The mobile device revolution is keeping demand for new processors, memory, and other integrated circuits very, very high, and there's always, always, always a demand for people who can code. You cannot go wrong. Both degree paths will at some point require that you choose something to focus on - a specific language or set of languages to program in, a certain target industry to develop machines for, etc, so it's best to work backwards from what you think you might want to do, or what you're interested in. Want to make video games? Computer science, all the way. Interested in building computers? Computer engineering.
You can also expect that the first three semesters (at least) will have a lot of overlap in terms of base classes. Calculus, Differential Equations, Logic and Design, Intro to Programming, etc will be required in both degree plans. So if you continue to grow and learn more (as we all should be doing!), you can change your mind.
The career prospects for both are incredibly strong. I can't speak to all universities, but here's some detail for the University of Texas in Austin. I'm BSEE Computer Engineering from UT, 2001, btw.
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering - http://www.ece.utexas.edu
- Department of Computer Science - https://www.cs.utexas.edu/
David’s Answer
I am entering my Senior year of University and have a lot of friends in both Computer Science and Computer Engineering. As a Computer Science major this advice is mostly based on my experience. I'd recommend checking with your College's curriculum and see the difference between the classes and workload. The classes are what make a degree.
Overall, I'd describe the difference like this. Computer Engineering is an Engineering degree, Computer Science is a Science degree. What does that mean? Well, a Computer Engineer student's first two years looks very similar to other Engineering students. In my school, they take 5 classes a semester instead of the usual 4. They take more math and science classes. Computer Science has more classes dedicated to software development, theory, and more options classes relating to the field. Computer Engineers take some of the same classes, but are more limited because they also have to take hardware and engineering classes.
The experiences are quite different. CS majors are more likely to spend a night coding a complex project, while engineering majors might have something totally different. This depends heavily on your school's specific curriculum. I'll place links so you can compare/contrast what my school looks like. I've heard Computer Engineers describe their field as Electrical Engineering with a focus in computer hardware and technology.
In summary, become a Computer Engineer if you are interested in Engineering and Hardware. Become a Computer Science major if you are more interested in software and development. In the end, there is much overlap. I know CS majors who work with hardware and networking, and I know Computer Engineers who do software development. The skills you learn and develop are most important, a major is a just an outline of these things you learn over the next four years.
Ken’s Answer
Hi Susan!
You asked a very interesting question:
Here are two sites that may help you to understand more about these areas:
http://www.bls.gov/ooh/computer-and-information-technology/home.htm - this site allows you to learn more about each career area by clicking on each career title
Best of luck! Keep me informed. I would like to follow your progress!