Why should I get an economics degree to further my career managing a baseball team?
Most people working in Major League Baseball as management already have a degree, but instead of a major in actual sports management, they have economics. Why is that? What does economics have to do with baseball? #business-management #economics #sports-management #sports-marketing
3 answers
Emily’s Answer

Ann Gianoglio Burk, MBA
Ann’s Answer
There is a philosophy that drafting and trading players is very similar to studying the economy. In fact building baseball teams is all based on numbers and statistics. That is why many will recommend an economics to degree to manage a baseball team.
Ann recommends the following next steps:
venkatesh’s Answer
Baseball has been a business since the 1860s when organised teams first started paying their players. Since then, baseball has become a huge business enterprise earning billions of dollars each year. In this unit, students will be introduced to basic economic concepts such as goods and services, supply and demand, and competition. Each lesson includes an activity that will allow students to practice recognising these concepts as they relate to professional baseball. Students will also have the opportunity to practice their math skills as they calculate prices of various ballpark items.