How difficult are the courses in Ivy League schools?
I'm currently enrolled at a community college, and i'm thinking about trying to transfer to one. I'm curious to know how difficult they are so I can prepare myself if I do get accepted to any. #graduate-school #college-professor #life-experience
2 answers
Gabriel Figliuzzi
Gabriel’s Answer
Hi Paul,
Thanks for the question. I admire your dreams of pursuing an Ivy League education. You may be interested to know that Harvard University's Extension School offers open enrollment, online courses (no application required):
This may be a great opportunity for you to test the waters and take real Ivy League courses. It will help you prove to yourself that you have what it takes and help you build a strong application package when you formally apply to universities.
If you have any more questions, please let me know!
Brooke’s Answer
I think the previous advice is good regarding testing the waters, but I'd encourage you to jump in, with the thought that getting in might be the most challenging step in the process. All universities have support for students to help ensure you are successful in your classes. If you are willing to put in the hard work, there will always be people (tutors, professors, counselors, mentors) that are there to support you.
Good luck!